* indicates new v2.0 neuron type
Name Supertype (ID:Family:Type:Subregion)
DG (i)1102 HIPP-CAP* S121001:O-LM Family:HIPP-like:DG

Name derivation
This is a new name derived from the cited descriptor in the vein of HICAP, MOPP, and HIPP that stands for "HIlar Perforant Path-associated--HIlar Commissural-Associational Pathway-related."

DG HIPP-like

List of articles
Click here to view the list
Hsu TT  (2016) Cerebral Cortex
Differential Recruitment of Dentate Gyrus Interneuron Types by Commissural Versus Perforant Pathways
Hsu TT, Lee CT, Tai MH, Lien CC.
Cerebral Cortex, 2016, 26 (6), Pages: 2715 - 2727
PMID: 26045570; DOI: 10.1093/cercor/bhv127
Tags: morphology
Katona I  (1999) Neuroscience
Postsynaptic targets of somatostatin-immunoreactive interneurons in the rat hippocampus.
Katona I, Acsady L, Freund TF.
Neuroscience, 1999 Jan, 88 (1), Pages: 37 - 55
PMID: 10051188; DOI: 10.1016/S0306-4522(98)00302-9
Tags: morphology, marker, connectivity, synapse probabilities
Liu YC  (2014) J Neurosci
Rapid dynamic changes of dendritic inhibition in the dentate gyrus by presynaptic activity patterns.
Liu YC, Cheng JK, Lien CC.
J Neurosci, 2014 Jan, 34 (4), Pages: 1344 - 1357
PMID: 24453325; DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2566-13.2014
Tags: morphology, connectivity, synapse probabilities
Savanthrapadian S  (2014) J Neurosci
Synaptic properties of SOM- and CCK-expressing cells in dentate gyrus interneuron networks.
Savanthrapadian S, Meyer T, Elgueta C, Booker SA, Vida I, Bartos M.
J Neurosci, 2014 Jun 11, 34 (24), Pages: 8197 - 8209
PMID: 24920624; DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.5433-13.2014
Tags: morphology, connectivity, synapse probabilities

Supplemental PMIDs
Click here to view the list of PMIDs

List of Hippocampome.org to NeuroMorpho.Org mappings
Click here to view the list of mappings


Representative figure
Synaptic properties of SOM- and CCK-expressing cells in dentate gyrus interneuron networks.
Savanthrapadian S, Meyer T, Elgueta C, Booker SA, Vida I, Bartos M
J Neurosci, 2014 Jun 11, 34 (24), pages: 8197 - 8209
PMID: 24920624; DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.5433-13.2014

"Figure3. Reconstructions of homologous pairs of synaptically connected HICAPs and HIPPs. Soma and dendrites of the presynaptic neuron are depicted in green, and the axon is shown in red. Soma and dendrites of the postsynaptic neuron are drawn in black and the axon was left out for clarity. ... B, Simple neurite tracer reconstruction of a HIPP-HIPP {DG Recurrent HIPP-CAP*} pair (same as in Fig. 1A3)."

Molecular markers
mGluR1a (inference)
nNOS (inference)
SOM (confirmed by inference)
5HT-3 (inference)
AR-beta1 (multiple confirming inferences)
AR-beta2 (multiple confirming inferences)
CB (multiple confirming inferences)
CB1 (inference)
CCK (inference)
CGRP (multiple confirming inferences)
ErbB4 (multiple confirming inferences)
GABAa\alpha 6 (inference)
Gaba-a-alpha (inference)
NPY (inference)
PV (multiple confirming inferences)
vGluT3 (multiple confirming inferences)
Mixed expression
None known

Electrophysiological properties
None known


DG (i) HIPP neurons


N = 3.


This interpretation is complicated by the graph of the axons of the three neurons. It shows axonal presence in SG, although the shown neuron does not seem to have any. Do the other two neurons have axons in SG? If so, do they also have axons in SMo and SMi? Is the reconstruction shown incomplete? Is this an n=1? - CW 02/11/2015

I propose freezing due to the conflicting data with the density graph and therefore a possible N = 1. - DWW 02/12/2015, CLR 02/15/2015

The new evidence from Savanthrapadian should make this type active. - DWW 02/16/2015

"should make this type active" [agreed] AOK - GAA

DG (i) 1102 HIPP-CAP neurons

Related cell types: DG (i)1002 HIPP (active)
DG (i)1103 Recurrent HIPP-CAP (on-hold)


N = 3.

This interpretation is complicated by the graph of the axons of the three neurons. It shows axonal presence in SG, although the shown neuron does not seem to have any. Do the other two neurons have axons in SG? If so, do they also have axons in SMo and SMi? Is the reconstruction shown incomplete? Is this an n=1? - CW 02/11/2015

I propose freezing due to the conflicting data with the density graph and therefore a possible N = 1. - DWW 02/12/2015, CLR 02/15/2015

The new evidence from Savanthrapadian should make this type active. - DWW 02/16/2015

"should make this type active" [agreed] AOK - GAA

The Savanthrapadian evidence has now been split off into its own packet when it became evident that the Savanthrapadian cells can connect to each other, and the only layer in which that contact can take place is the hilus, resulting in a pattern of 1103. The remaining Liu cell is to be placed On-hold since it is only N = 1, as outlined in the above discussion.

I'm fine with the content in the packet, but the Savanthrapadian paper says that only 5% of these cells connect to each other (pg 8201, near the top of the 2nd column). We know therefore that this type is n=6; n=109 were not connected. What do we want to do with the other 109? Would we say that they have A:H? Or might those go into the 1102 HIPP-CAP packet, which would unfreeze it? - CLR 12/08/2015

The 109 cannot necessarily go into the 1102 HIPP-CAP packet, because the HIPP-like cells they were recording from could be regular 1002 HIPP cells, and we cannot discern the breakdown of the 109. - DWW 12/10/2015

Agreed. - CLR 12/10/2015

I am okay with the DG 1102 and 1103 types. - CW 12/13/2015

ok â?¦ though when looking at the figures in our 'normal' HIPP packet I feel this could also go as a supplement there - GAA 05/25/2016

But what are we doing with cells 2 and 3 in Katona Fig 3? 1102? - CLR 06/08/2016

Katona 1999 added. - 06/14/2016

DG (i)1102 HIPP-CAP neurons [1046]

Related types: DG (i)1002 HIPP (v1.0 active)
DG (i)1103 Recurrent HIPP-CAP (v2.0 proposed active)
DG (i)1003 Recurrent HIPP (v2.0 proposed on-hold)


N = 3. SOM+.

Hsu connectivity evidence (paired recordings) between (1) the various EC perforant path cells and this HIPP-CAP and (2) DG Mossy cells and this HIPP-CAP

Katona 1999 added. - 06/14/2016

Approved as active. - CLR 09/27/2016

I agree with this cell type.
However, for page 5, I do not have problem with tapering axon density in DG:SG, since to reach DG:SMi these neurons should have axons in DG:SG anyways. N could be 3.
The page 9 of PDF, I can see 1102 pattern, but these two neurons look borderline to me. Do they penetrate enough into the molecular layer? Cell 1 is a more convincing 1102 to me. Please look at the attached modified packet -> I have tried to separately color the distal axons (see above).
{Savanthrapadianâ??s paper is good instance of quantum linking to I. I have used the data, and I have mapped the synaptic data to HIPP, HIPP-CAP and recurrent HIPP-CAP cell types. For example, using the data in that paper, one might be able to infer that HIPP and HIPP-CAP cells might be mRNA:SOM+ (supplementary fuzzy inferential linking), and recurrent HIPP-CAP cells are for sure IHC:SOM+ and mRNA:SOM+ (proper linking).} - KM 10/15/2016

I want us to re-evaluate DG 1002 HIPP, 1103 Recurrent HIPP-CAP, and 1102 HIPP-CAP taking into cosideration the best images we have for HIPP. The axons in the 1102 and 1103 packets are very sparse, especially when compared to the HIPP images from the portal (see below). Both of the HIPP neurons have axons in SMI and the hilus. I am not convinced that the proposed new types are different from HIPP. I think further debate is warranted; consequently, I do not appove these types. â?? CW 10/17/2016

After discussion with Giorgio, we have decided to keep the canonical 1002 HIPP as is. These new cells need to be evaluated relative to that interpretation. - DWW 01/31/2017

Hsu 2016 added. - 01/31/2017

I still do not see enough evidence to have three types of HIPPy neurons. I think all of the figures in the 1102 packet are too minimally reconstructed to make a call about axons. With this said, having the three types does cover a broad base, is similar to CA1, and is approved by Giorgio, so I will not protest further. - CW 02/01/2017

I actually think the evidence is quite strong for the canonical 1002 (which I agree is a must-have) and 1102. - CLR 02/27/2017

From the evidence provided in the packet, I approve the 1102 designation and of the new proposed type for v2.0. - JDK 02/09/2022

I have now reviewed them and happy to approve all except for the only 0232 AAC which I still feel is a borderline case and perhaps we should keep frozen or merge with the regular AAC packet. - GAA 02/14/2022

Firing Pattern
No image is associated with this neuron
No parameter associated with this neuron
ModelDB Model
Model Accession Number PubMed ID

Sources of Input
Known sources
Excitatory or Inhibitory
none known

Potential sources
Excitatory or Inhibitory
DG Granule
DG Adult-Born Immature Granule*
DG Hilar Ectopic Granule
DG Semilunar Granule
DG Mossy
DG Interneuron Specific COLTAR*
DG Hilus-Associated Interneuron*
DG Interneuron Specific HIMOLD*
DG Recurrent HIPP*
DG Recurrent HIPP-CAP*
DG Interneuron Specific HIPRO*
DG Ivy*
DG Total Molecular Layer
CA3c Pyramidal
CA3c Umbrella Pyramidal*
CA3 Mossy Fiber-Associated
CA3 Mossy Fiber-Associated ORDEN
CA3 Interneuron Specific Quad
CA2 Pyramidal
CA1 Back-Projection
MEC LV Pyramidal

Potential sources known to be avoided
Excitatory or Inhibitory
DG Axo-axonic
DG Axo-axonic GRALDEN*

Targets of Output
Known targets
Excitatory or Inhibitory
none known

Potential targets
Excitatory or Inhibitory
DG Granule
DG Adult-Born Immature Granule*
DG Hilar Ectopic Granule
DG Semilunar Granule
DG Cajal-Retzius*
DG Local-Projecting Cajal-Retzius*
DG Axo-axonic
DG Granulosum-targeting Axo-axonic*
DG Axo-axonic GRALDEN*
DG Basket
DG Basket CCK+
DG Interneuron Specific COLTAR*
DG Interneuron Specific IMOT*
DG Interneuron Specific HIMOLD*
DG Interneuron Specific HIPRO*
DG Ivy*
DG Molecular Layer*
DG Outer Molecular Layer
DG Total Molecular Layer
DG Neurogliaform
DG Wide-Arbor Neurogliaform*
CA1 Neurogliaform Projecting

Potential targets known to be avoided
Excitatory or Inhibitory
none known

Oscillation Phase Locking