Phases Evidence Page
Neuron Type   MEC (e)221100 LII Oblique Pyramidal
    Hippocampome Neuron ID: 6019
All of the evidence provided on are quotes from scientific texts. However, because quoted passages may be difficult to understand in isolation, contextual information and expanded abbreviations set in square brackets have been added for clarity.

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Grid-layout and theta-modulation of layer 2 pyramidal neurons in medial entorhinal cortex.
Ray S, Naumann R, Burgalossi A, Tang Q, Schmidt H, Brecht M
Science, 2014 Feb 21, 343 (6173), pages: 891 - 896
PMID: 24457213; DOI: 10.1126/science.1243028
Pyramidal and stellate cell specificity of grid and border representations in layer 2 of medial entorhinal cortex.
Tang Q, Burgalossi A, Ebbesen CL, Ray S, Naumann R, Schmidt H, Spicher D, Brecht M.
Neuron, 2014, pages: 1191 - 1197
PMID: 25482025;