Molecular markers evidence page

Neuron Type   MEC (i)300000 LI Neurogliaform*
  Hippocampome Neuron ID: 6129
PV Expression    negative inference; confirmed by additional inferences
All of the evidence provided on are quotes from scientific texts. However, because quoted passages may be difficult to understand in isolation, contextual information and expanded abbreviations set in square brackets have been added for clarity.

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Localization of M2 muscarinic receptor protein in parvalbumin and calretinin containing cells of the adult rat entorhinal cortex using two complementary methods.
Chaudhuri JD, Hiltunen M, Nykanen M, Yla-Herttuala S, Soininen H, Miettinen R
Neuroscience, 2005, 131 (2), pages: 557 - 566
PMID: 15708496; DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2004.11.032
Coexistence of parvalbumin and GABA in nonpyramidal neurons of the rat entorhinal cortex.
Miettinen M, Koivisto E, Riekkinen P, Miettinen R
Brain Res, 1996 Jan 8, 706 (1), pages: 113 - 122
PMID: 8720498;