Molecular markers evidence page

Neuron Type   LEC (e)001133 LVI Multipolar-Pyramidal
  Hippocampome Neuron ID: 6078
GABAa\alpha 6 Expression    negative inference
All of the evidence provided on are quotes from scientific texts. However, because quoted passages may be difficult to understand in isolation, contextual information and expanded abbreviations set in square brackets have been added for clarity.

Animal: Protocol: Expression:


Patterns of mRNA and protein expression for 12 GABAA receptor subunits in the mouse brain.
Hortnagl H, Tasan RO, Wieselthaler A, Kirchmair E, Sieghart W, Sperk G
Neuroscience, 2013 Apr 16, 236 pages: 345 - 372
PMID: 23337532; DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2013.01.008