All of the evidence provided on are quotes from scientific texts.
However, because quoted passages may be difficult to understand in isolation, contextual information and expanded abbreviations set in square brackets have been added for clarity.
EXPRESSION: negative (inference)
PROTOCOL: immunohistochemistry
Page location: p841, Table 1
"TABLE 1. Proportion of a1 subunit-immunoreactive neurons containing GABA,
calcium-binding proteins and neuropeptide "
Interpretation notes: Glutamatergic and GABAergic GABAa alpha1+ types in CA2 SLM_SR_SP_SO are probably CCK-
EXPRESSION: negative (inference)
PROTOCOL: immunohistochemistry
Page location: p128, right top
"In the hippocampus, CCK [cholecystokinin] immunoreactive (CCK-I) terminals were shown to form pericellular baskets around the pyramidal
cell somata and make synaptic contacts on them, and thus some of CCK immunoreactive neurons are considered to be basket cells in this region
[Harris 1985, Hendry 1985, Nunzi 1985]. However, so far our preliminary observations indicated that CCK and PV [parvalbumin] immunoreactivities are not present in the same neuron."
Interpretation notes: Glutamatergic and GABAergic PV+ types in CA2 SLM_SR_SP_SO are probably CCK-
EXPRESSION: negative (inference)
PROTOCOL: immunohistochemistry
Page location: p128, right top
"In the hippocampus, CCK [cholecystokinin] immunoreactive (CCK-I) terminals were shown to form pericellular baskets around the pyramidal
cell somata and make synaptic contacts on them, and thus some of CCK immunoreactive neurons are considered to be basket cells in this region
[Harris 1985, Hendry 1985, Nunzi 1985]. However, so far our preliminary observations indicated that CCK and PV [parvalbumin] immunoreactivities are not present in the same neuron."
Interpretation notes: Glutamatergic and GABAergic PV+ types in CA2 SLM_SR_SP_SO are probably CCK- by contrapositive logic