Molecular markers evidence page

Neuron Type   DG (i)3302 MOLAX
  Hippocampome Neuron ID: 1005
SOM Expression    negative inference; confirmed by additional inferences
All of the evidence provided on are quotes from scientific texts. However, because quoted passages may be difficult to understand in isolation, contextual information and expanded abbreviations set in square brackets have been added for clarity.

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Interneurons of the dentate gyrus: an overview of cell types, terminal fields and neurochemical identity.
Houser CR
Prog Brain Res, 2007, 163 pages: 217 - 232
PMID: 17765721; DOI: 10.1016/S0079-6123(07)63013-1
Patterns of colocalization of neuronal nitric oxide synthase and somatostatin-like immunoreactivity in the mouse hippocampus: quantitative analysis with optical disector.
Jinno S, Kosaka T
Neuroscience, 2004, 124 (4), pages: 797 - 808
PMID: 15026120; DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2004.01.027
The metabotropic glutamate receptor (mGluR1 alpha) is concentrated at perisynaptic membrane of neuronal subpopulations as detected by immunogold reaction.
Baude A, Nusser Z, Roberts JD, Mulvihill E, McIlhinney RA, Somogyi P
Neuron, 1993 Oct, 11 (4), pages: 771 - 787
PMID: 8104433;