negative inference; confirmed by additional inferences
All of the evidence provided on are quotes from scientific texts.
However, because quoted passages may be difficult to understand in isolation, contextual information and expanded abbreviations set in square brackets have been added for clarity.
EXPRESSION: negative (inference)
ANIMAL: mouse
PROTOCOL: immunohistochemistry
Page location: p226, Fig. 5
Linking PMID: 17765721 Linking Quote: Principal neurons identified by the presence of their somata in the principal cell layer, which is densely packed with and nearly homogeneous for the somata of the subregion's principal neurons (Czeh et al., 2013, Acta Biologica Hungarica).
"Fig. 5. Somatostatin-containing neurons in the ventral dentate gyrus of the mouse. (A) Numerous somatostatin-immunoreactive cell bodies are present in the hilus (H), and a labeled axonal plexus is evident in the outer molecular layer (M). Little labeling is found in the granule cell layer (G) except for axons from hilar somatostatin neurons that project through this layer."
Interpretation notes: Glutamatergic and GABAergic types in DG SG are negative for SOM
EXPRESSION: negative (inference)
ANIMAL: mouse
PROTOCOL: immunohistochemistry
Page location: p801, left mid
Linking PMID: 15026120 Linking Quote: Negative Layer: The molecular biomarker expression is negative for the parcel; therefore, all neuron types with somata exclusively in the parcel are inferred to be negative
"On the other hand, SOM [somatostatin]-LIR [like immunoreactive] neurons showed a quite uneven distribution pattern. In the CA1 region, many SOM [somatostatin]-LIR neurons were seen in the stratum oriens (SO), while they were rarely found in the other layers. In the CA3 region,SOM [somatostatin]-LIR neurons were more widely spread. They were seen not only in the SO but also in the SP [stratum pyramidale], SL [statum lucidum] and SR [stratum radiatum]. In the dentate gyrus, SOM [somatostatin]-LIR neurons were exclusively found in the hilus."
Interpretation notes: Glutamatergic and GABAergic types in DG Smo_Smi_SG are negative for SOM
EXPRESSION: negative (inference)
PROTOCOL: immunohistochemistry
Page location: p775, right mid
"In these experiments, all the cells of the hippocampus immunoreactive for somatostatin were strongly immunoreactive for mGluR[metabotropic glutamate receptor]lalpha, and likewise the cells immunoreactive for mGluRla were also immunoreactive for somatostatin (Figures 2A and 2B)."
Interpretation notes: Glutamatergic and GABAergic mGluR1a- types in DG Smo_Smi_SG_H are probably SOM- by contrapositive logic