Electrophysiology evidence page

Neuron Type    DG (i)3302 MOLAX
     Hippocampome Neuron ID: 1005
     Action potential width (APwidth)
All of the evidence provided on Hippocampome.org are quotes from scientific texts. However, because quoted passages may be difficult to understand in isolation, contextual information and expanded abbreviations set in square brackets have been added for clarity.

Animal: Protocol: Temperature:


Interneurons of the dentate-hilus border of the rat dentate gyrus: morphological and electrophysiological heterogeneity.
, Mott DD, Turner DA, Okazaki MM, Lewis DV
J Neurosci, 1997 Jun 1, 17 (11), pages: 3990 - 4005
PMID: 9151716;
1 - 1 of 1 articles