Morphology |
Soma | |
EC:I |
Axons | |
EC:I |
Dendrites | |
EC:I |
Representative figure |
Neurogliaform cells mediate feedback inhibition in the medial entorhinal cortex Szocs S, Henn-Mike N, Agocs-Laboda A, Szabo-Meleg E, Varga C Frontiers in Neuroanatomy, 2022, 16 pages: 779390 - PMID: 36003850; DOI: 10.3389/fnana.2022.779390 |
Molecular markers |
Positive | |
alpha-actinin-2 | |
Negative | |
GABAa\alpha 6 (inference) | |
PV (multiple confirming inferences) |
Mixed expression | |
None known |
Electrophysiological properties |
Key: [range] OR representative value±SD (measurements); Number of sources (total measurements): [min , max] | |
Resting membrane potential (Vrest): -65.1±0.5 mV (34); 1 source | |
Time constant (τm): 7.5±0.4 ms (34); 1 source |
Notes |
MEC (i)300000 LI Neurogliaform cells (MEC LI NGF) [6129]
Notes: This neuron type is restricted entirely to MEC LI, which distinguishes it from the other hybrid type. N = 2. Ephys. FP. Markers. Synaptic parameters. Counts. Slam dunk yes. - DWW 05/12/2023 I concur it is a slam dunk yes, especially with the accompanying information provided for the counts, ephys, markers, and synaptic parameters. - JDK 05/12/2023
Firing Pattern |
Images | |
No image is associated with this neuron |
Parameters | |
No parameter associated with this neuron |
ModelDB Model |
Model Accession Number | PubMed ID |
Sources of Input |
Targets of Output |
Oscillation Phase Locking |