MEC (i)120000 LI-II Polar interneurons (MEC LI-II PI) [6118]
Related types:
EC (i)223111 LIII Bipolar (v2.0 on-hold unapproved)
EC (i)033333 LIII Bipolar (v2.0 on-hold unapproved)
Notes: This neuron type is restricted entirely to LI and LII, which distinguishes it from the other two Bipolar types.
After reviewing the provided packet, I am in agreement with the evidence provided and support the inclusion of the MEC (i) 120000 LI-II Bipolar Interneuron type as an active type for v2.0. - JDK 11/23/2021
I approve. But I don't like the name, because, when referring to cortical interneurons, bipolar typically indicates that two dendrites go in opposite directions, but not that the axons go one way and the dendrites the other. In this regard, see Petilla terminology (PING, NRN 2008) and subsequent analysis in NRN 2013. Not everyone has been systematic in heeding the recommendation, and the convention is different for sensory systems such as retina, but I find it unwise to stoke the confusion. We could name it polar, vertical, upward, or anything else you and JDK like. - GAA 02/02/2022
I would favor "polar." - DWW 02/04/2022
Polar is the best fit to me for x_MEC_(i)120000_LI-II_Bipolar_active_new. - JDK 02/04/2022