EC LII-III Superficial Polymorphic Interneuron*
* indicates new v2.0 neuron type
Name Supertype (ID:Family:Type:Subregion)
EC (i)332000 LII-III Superficial Polymorphic Interneuron* S152006:GABAergic:iLIII:EC

Name derivation
This name is derived from a general description of the physical properties of the cells.

EC SOM+ interneuron

List of articles
Click here to view the list
Ferrante M  (2017) Cereb Cortex
Distinct Functional Groups Emerge from the Intrinsic Properties of Molecularly Identified Entorhinal Interneurons and Principal Cells.
Ferrante M, Tahvildari B, Duque A, Hadzipasic M, Salkoff D, Zagha EW, Hasselmo ME, McCormick DA.
Cereb Cortex, 2017 Jun 1, 27 (6), Pages: 3186 - 3207
PMID: 27269961; DOI: 10.1093/cercor/bhw143
Tags: morphology, marker, membrane biophysics, synapse probabilities


Representative figure
Distinct Functional Groups Emerge from the Intrinsic Properties of Molecularly Identified Entorhinal Interneurons and Principal Cells.
Ferrante M, Tahvildari B, Duque A, Hadzipasic M, Salkoff D, Zagha EW, Hasselmo ME, McCormick DA
Cereb Cortex, 2017 Jun 1, 27 (6), pages: 3186 - 3207
PMID: 27269961; DOI: 10.1093/cercor/bhw143

"Figure 4. Intrinsic properties of SOM+ interneurons. (A) Neuronal 3D reconstruction of an EC SOM+ (GIN) interneuron with dendrites (in green), soma (in white), and axon (in gray). Insets show fine morphological details (e.g., tapering axon, as highlighted by red arrows)."

Molecular markers
GABAa\alpha 6 (inference)
Mixed expression
None known

Electrophysiological properties
Key: [range] OR representative value±SD (measurements); Number of sources (total measurements): [min , max]

Resting membrane potential (Vrest): -74.1±1.4 mV (1); 1 source
Input resistance (Rin): 385±58.0 MΩ (1); 1 source
Time constant (τm): 34.6±2.4 ms (1); 1 source
Threshold potential (Vthresh): 22.1±2.5 mV (1); 1 source
Action potential amplitude (APampl): 77.4±3.1 mV (1); 1 source
Action potential width (APwidth): 0.93±0.1 ms (1); 1 source


EC (i)332000 LII-III Superficial Polymorphic Interneurons (LII-III SPI) [6113]

Related types: no matching patterns


Ephys. FP. NPY+.

OK - KM 05/24/2018

OK. I don't particularly like the name, both the authors' (negatively defined) and ours (there will be other L2 NPY+ cells ...) Might as well use their name ... - GAA 07/18/2018

The SOM+ neuron has been added. - 08/28/2018

The Hippocampome-esque name has been officially approved by the authors. - 08/28/2018

From the evidence provided in the packet, I approve the 332000 designation and of the new proposed type for v2.0. - JDK 02/09/2022

I have now reviewed them and happy to approve all except for the only 0232 AAC which I still feel is a borderline case and perhaps we should keep frozen or merge with the regular AAC packet. - GAA 02/14/2022

Firing Pattern
No image is associated with this neuron
No parameter associated with this neuron
ModelDB Model
Model Accession Number PubMed ID

Sources of Input
Known sources
Excitatory or Inhibitory
none known

Potential sources
Excitatory or Inhibitory
CA2 Pyramidal
EC LI-II Multipolar-Pyramidal
EC LI-II Pyramidal-Fan
MEC LII Oblique Pyramidal
MEC LII Stellate
MEC LII-III Pyramidal-Multiform
EC LII-III Pyramidal-Tripolar
LEC LIII Multipolar Principal
MEC LIII Multipolar Principal
EC LIII Small Pyramidal
LEC LIII Complex Pyramidal
MEC LIII Complex Pyramidal
MEC LIII Bipolar Complex Pyramidal
EC LIII Pyramidal
EC LIII Stellate
EC LIII-V Bipolar Pyramidal
MEC LV Multipolar-Pyramidal
MEC LV Pyramidal
MEC LV Superficial Pyramidal
LEC LVI Multipolar-Pyramidal
MEC LI-II Polar Interneuron*
MEC LII Basket
EC LII Basket-Neurogliaform
EC LIII Bipolar Interneuron*
LEC LIII Multipolar Interneuron
MEC LIII Multipolar Interneuron
MEC LIII Superficial Multipolar Interneuron
MEC LI Neurogliaform*
EC LII-III Superficial Polymorphic Interneuron*
EC LIII Pyramidal-Looking Interneuron
MEC LIII Superficial Trilayered Interneuron

Potential sources known to be avoided
Excitatory or Inhibitory
EC LII Axo-axonic

Targets of Output
Known targets
Excitatory or Inhibitory
none known

Potential targets
Excitatory or Inhibitory
EC LI-II Multipolar-Pyramidal
EC LI-II Pyramidal-Fan
MEC LII Oblique Pyramidal
MEC LII Stellate
MEC LII-III Pyramidal-Multiform
EC LII-III Pyramidal-Tripolar
EC LIII Small Pyramidal
LEC LIII Complex Pyramidal
MEC LIII Complex Pyramidal
MEC LIII Bipolar Complex Pyramidal
EC LIII Pyramidal
EC LIII Stellate
EC LIII-V Bipolar Pyramidal
EC LIV-V Pyramidal-Horizontal
MEC LV Principal*
MEC LV Pyramidal
EC LV Deep Pyramidal
MEC LV Superficial Pyramidal
MEC LI-II Polar Interneuron*
EC LII Axo-axonic
MEC LII Basket
EC LII Basket-Neurogliaform
EC LIII Bipolar Interneuron*
LEC LIII Multipolar Interneuron
MEC LIII Superficial Multipolar Interneuron
MEC LI Neurogliaform*
EC LII-III Superficial Polymorphic Interneuron*
EC LIII Pyramidal-Looking Interneuron
MEC LIII Superficial Trilayered Interneuron

Potential targets known to be avoided
Excitatory or Inhibitory
none known

Oscillation Phase Locking