LEC LVI Multipolar-Pyramidal
* indicates new v2.0 neuron type
Name Supertype (ID:Family:Type:Subregion)
LEC (e)001133 LVI Multipolar-Pyramidal S081906:Glutamatergic Deep:LIV-VI:EC

Name derivation
This name is a hybrid of the two most frequently cited names. All sources indicate lateral localization of the morphology.

LEC LVI multipolar neuron
LEC LVI multipolar to tilted pyramidal neuron
LEC LVI tilted pyramidal to multipolar neuron

List of articles
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Canto CB  (2012) Hippocampus
Cellular properties of principal neurons in the rat entorhinal cortex. I. The lateral entorhinal cortex.
Canto CB, Witter MP.
Hippocampus, 2012 Jun, 22 (6), Pages: 1256 - 1276
PMID: 22162008; DOI: 10.1002/hipo.20997
Tags: morphology, membrane biophysics, firing patterns, synapse probabilities

List of Hippocampome.org to NeuroMorpho.Org mappings
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  • Peng

  • Morphology

    Molecular markers
    None known
    GABAa\alpha 6 (inference)
    Mixed expression
    None known

    Electrophysiological properties
    Key: [range] OR representative value±SD (measurements); Number of sources (total measurements): [min , max]

    Resting membrane potential (Vrest): -64 mV (1); 1 source
    Input resistance (Rin): 450±90.1 MΩ (13); 1 source
    Time constant (τm): 26±14.4 ms (13); 1 source
    Threshold potential (Vthresh): [26.8, 29.0] mV (2); 1 source
    Fast afterhyperpolaziring potential amplitude (Fast AHP): [6.0, 8.8] mV (2); 1 source
    Action potential amplitude (APampl): 74±14.4 mV (13); 1 source
    Action potential width (APwidth): 1.7±0.4 ms (13); 1 source
    Max firing rate (Max F.R.): >10 Hz (1); 1 source
    Slow afterhyperpolarizing potential amplitude (Slow AHP): 1.2 mV (1); 1 source
    Sag ratio: 0.9±0.1 (13); 1 source

    N = 3 postweaned.

    Firing Pattern
    Image Missing
    Parameters View page
    ASP. [Evidence] [Firing Pattern]

    Izhikevich Model
    Parameters Single Compartment Downloads Simulate
    subtype: 1 k=0.85;a= 0.001;b= -6.98;d= 21;C= 380;Vr= -63.54;Vt= -41.32;Vpeak= 14.2;Vmin= -49.28; Simulate
    Image Missing
    ModelDB Model
    Model Accession Number PubMed ID

    Sources of Input
    Known sources
    Excitatory or Inhibitory
    none known

    Potential sources
    Excitatory or Inhibitory
    CA1 Pyramidal
    CA1 Deep Pyramidal
    CA1 Superficial Pyramidal
    Sub EC-Projecting Pyramidal
    LEC LIII Multipolar Principal
    EC LIII Small Pyramidal
    LEC LIII Complex Pyramidal
    EC LIII-V Bipolar Pyramidal
    EC LIV-V Pyramidal-Horizontal
    EC LIV-VI Deep Multipolar Principal
    MEC LV Principal*
    EC LV Deep Pyramidal
    LEC LVI Multipolar-Pyramidal
    EC LIII Bipolar Interneuron*

    Potential sources known to be avoided
    Excitatory or Inhibitory
    MEC LII Stellate
    MEC LII-III Pyramidal-Multiform
    MEC LIII Multipolar Principal
    MEC LV Multipolar-Pyramidal
    MEC LV Pyramidal
    MEC LV Superficial Pyramidal
    MEC LV-VI Pyramidal-Polymorphic

    Targets of Output
    Known targets
    Excitatory or Inhibitory
    none known

    Potential targets
    Excitatory or Inhibitory
    EC LII-III Pyramidal-Tripolar
    LEC LIII Multipolar Principal
    EC LIII Small Pyramidal
    LEC LIII Complex Pyramidal
    EC LIII Pyramidal
    EC LIII Stellate
    EC LIII-V Bipolar Pyramidal
    EC LIV-V Pyramidal-Horizontal
    EC LIV-VI Deep Multipolar Principal
    MEC LV Principal*
    EC LV Deep Pyramidal
    LEC LVI Multipolar-Pyramidal
    EC LIII Bipolar Interneuron*
    LEC LIII Multipolar Interneuron
    EC LII-III Superficial Polymorphic Interneuron*
    EC LIII Pyramidal-Looking Interneuron

    Potential targets known to be avoided
    Excitatory or Inhibitory
    MEC LII-III Pyramidal-Multiform
    MEC LIII Multipolar Principal
    MEC LIII Complex Pyramidal
    MEC LIII Bipolar Complex Pyramidal
    MEC LV Multipolar-Pyramidal
    MEC LV Pyramidal
    MEC LV Superficial Pyramidal
    MEC LV-VI Pyramidal-Polymorphic
    MEC LIII Multipolar Interneuron
    MEC LIII Superficial Multipolar Interneuron
    MEC LIII Superficial Trilayered Interneuron

    Oscillation Phase Locking