Morphology |
Soma | |
Axons | |
EC:I | |
EC:II | |
Dendrites | |
EC:I | |
EC:II | |
Molecular markers |
Positive | |
None known |
Negative | |
GABAa\alpha 6 (inference) |
Mixed expression | |
None known |
Electrophysiological properties |
Key: [range] OR representative value±SD (measurements); Number of sources (total measurements): [min , max] | |
Resting membrane potential (Vrest): -62±5.9 mV (12); 1 source | |
Input resistance (Rin): 36.8±11.4 MΩ (12); 1 source | |
Time constant (τm): 12.7±4.8 ms (12); 1 source | |
Threshold potential (Vthresh): 8 mV (1); 1 source | |
Fast afterhyperpolaziring potential amplitude (Fast AHP): 11.2 mV (1); 1 source | |
Action potential amplitude (APampl): 66.8±6.2 mV (12); 1 source | |
Slow afterhyperpolarizing potential amplitude (Slow AHP): 1.1 mV (1); 1 source | |
Sag ratio: 0.89 (1); 1 source |
Notes |
Failed unofficial merger proposals with EC 233000 MPI 1 III and EC 230000 MPI-BC II. Inhibitory because they have aspiny dendrites and fast time constant |
Firing Pattern |
Images | |
Parameters | View page | |
ASP.NASP | [Evidence] [Firing Pattern] |
Izhikevich Model |
Parameters | Single Compartment | Downloads | Simulate |
subtype: 1 k=1.15;a= 0.004;b= 7.39;d= 1;C= 152;Vr= -59.18;Vt= -36.71;Vpeak= 17.73;Vmin= -54.96; | Simulate |
Images | |
ModelDB Model |
Model Accession Number | PubMed ID |
Sources of Input |
Targets of Output |
Oscillation Phase Locking |