Sub Pyramidale Multipolar Interneuron*
* indicates new v2.0 neuron type
Name Supertype (ID:Family:Type:Subregion)
Sub (i)030 Pyramidale Multipolar Interneuron* S112205:Perisomatic-targeting:Multipolar:Sub

Name derivation
"Interneuron" distinguishes this type from the multipolar pricipal cells. Multipolar is a descriptor of the dendrites in the cited literature. Pyramidal describes the localization of both the axons and dendrites to SP. Sub distinguishes these cells from multipolar interneurons in other subregions.

Sub parvalbumin-expressing interneurons

List of articles
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Anstotz M  (2021) Cerebral Cortex
Impaired KCC2 function triggers interictal-like activity driven by parvalbumin-expressing interneurons in the isolated subiculum in vitro
Anstotz M, Fiske MP, Maccaferri G.
Cerebral Cortex, 2021, 31 (10), Pages: 4681 - 4698
PMID: 33987649; DOI: 10.1093/cercor/bhab115
Tags: morphology, marker, membrane biophysics

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Representative figure
Impaired KCC2 function triggers interictal-like activity driven by parvalbumin-expressing interneurons in the isolated subiculum in vitro
Anstotz M, Fiske MP, Maccaferri G
Cerebral Cortex, 2021, 31 (10), pages: 4681 - 4698
PMID: 33987649; DOI: 10.1093/cercor/bhab115

"Supplementary Figure 2: Variability of biocytin-filled reconstructed PVs. Examples are located in the more superficial (left), middle (middle) {Sub Pyramidale Multipolar Interneuron*} and deeper portions of the subicular pyramidal cell layer (pcl). Pml, polymorphus layer; ml, molecular layer. The dotted gray line marks equidistance from the superficial and deeper border of the pyramidal cell. Notice the bias of the axonal arborization to more superficial directions compared to the dendritic arborization. Insets show the position of the specific neuron (red circle) within the slice. Gray areas, principal cell layers of the hippocampal formation."

Molecular markers
5HT-3 (inference)
GABAa\alpha 6 (inference)
Mixed expression
None known

Electrophysiological properties
Key: [range] OR representative value±SD (measurements); Number of sources (total measurements): [min , max]

Resting membrane potential (Vrest): -67±3 mV (62); 1 source
Input resistance (Rin): 137±50 MΩ (65); 1 source
Fast afterhyperpolaziring potential amplitude (Fast AHP): 23±4 mV (47); 1 source
Action potential amplitude (APampl): 64±7 mV (47); 1 source
Action potential width (APwidth): 0.34±0.04 ms (47); 1 source


Sub (i)030 Pyramidale Multipolar interneurons (PMPI) [5015]

Related types: Sub (e)300 PV+ (v1.0 on-hold)
Sub (e)033 PV+ (v1.0 on-hold)

Notes: These cells are restricted to Sub:SP, which distinguishes them from the v1.0 PV+ neuron types.

PV+. Ephys. FP. Lengths. Synaptic Physiology.

After reviewing the packet for SUB (i) 030 PMPI #5015, I am in favor of adding this neuron type as an active type for v2.0. - JDK 11/19/2021

I approve. - GAA 02/01/2022

Firing Pattern
No image is associated with this neuron
No parameter associated with this neuron
ModelDB Model
Model Accession Number PubMed ID

Sources of Input
Known sources
Excitatory or Inhibitory
none known

Potential sources
Excitatory or Inhibitory
CA1 Pyramidal
CA1 Deep Pyramidal
CA1 Superficial Pyramidal
CA1 Oriens-QuadA Projecting
CA1 SO-SO Projecting*
CA1 Trilaminar
Sub CA1-Projecting Pyramidal
Sub EC-Projecting Pyramidal
Sub Pyramidale Multipolar Interneuron*
Sub Recurrent Polymorphic-Moleculare*
MEC LII Stellate
EC LII-III Pyramidal-Tripolar
EC LIV-VI Deep Multipolar Principal

Potential sources known to be avoided
Excitatory or Inhibitory
Sub Axo-axonic

Targets of Output
Known targets
Excitatory or Inhibitory
none known

Potential targets
Excitatory or Inhibitory
Sub CA1-Projecting Pyramidal
Sub EC-Projecting Pyramidal
Sub Pyramidale Multipolar Interneuron*
Sub Wide-arbor Polymorphic*
Sub Recurrent Polymorphic-Moleculare*

Potential targets known to be avoided
Excitatory or Inhibitory
none known

Oscillation Phase Locking