Sub Recurrent Polymorphic-Moleculare*
* indicates new v2.0 neuron type
Name Supertype (ID:Family:Type:Subregion)
Sub (i)133 Recurrent Polymorphic-Moleculare* S121405:O-LM Family:O-LM-like:CA1

Name derivation
This names is derived from the general axonal-dendritic patterning that parallels the patterning of CA1 Recurrent O-LM. Sub distinguishes these cells from multipolar interneurons in other subregions.

Sub Chrna2 cell

List of articles
Click here to view the list
Nichol H  (2018) Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience
Electrophysiological and morphological characterization of chrna2 cells in the subiculum and CA1 of the hippocampus: an optogenetic investigation
Nichol H, Amilhon B, Manseau F, Badrinarayanan S, Williams S.
Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 2018, 12, Pages: 32 -
PMID: 29487503; DOI: 10.3389/fncel.2018.00032
Tags: morphology, membrane biophysics


Representative figure
Electrophysiological and morphological characterization of chrna2 cells in the subiculum and CA1 of the hippocampus: an optogenetic investigation
Nichol H, Amilhon B, Manseau F, Badrinarayanan S, Williams S
Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 2018, 12 pages: 32 -
PMID: 29487503; DOI: 10.3389/fncel.2018.00032

"FIGURE 1 | Characterization of Chrna2 cells. ... (Bi) Representative reconstruction of a subiculum Chrna2 cell. Hippocampus borders and pyramidal layer outlined. Soma and dendrites in red. Axon in gray. Scale bar = 250 [micro]m. Inset: Enlarged reconstruction. Scale bar = 50 [micro]m."

Molecular markers
5HT-3 (inference)
ErbB4 (multiple confirming inferences)
GABAa\alpha 6 (inference)
Mixed expression
None known

Electrophysiological properties
Key: [range] OR representative value±SD (measurements); Number of sources (total measurements): [min , max]

Resting membrane potential (Vrest): -49.9±1.5 mV (1); 1 source
Input resistance (Rin): 387.8±47.2 MΩ (1); 1 source
Action potential amplitude (APampl): 91.8±1.4 mV (1); 1 source
Action potential width (APwidth): 1.5±0.1 ms (1); 1 source
Max firing rate (Max F.R.): 26±2.1 Hz (1); 1 source


Sub (i)133 Recurrent Polymorphic-Moleculare (Recurr Po-M) cells [5013]

Related types: Sub (i)023 Wide-arbor Polymorphic


FP present. Chrna2+. SOM+. Ephys present.

This packet reflects the extension of the axons of 4 of 8 cells into Sub:SM. The inclusion of layer lines in the image is skimpy, and the description of the extent of the dendrites is only text based, but standards are being relaxed a bit to accommodate the lack of neuron types in Sub. - 06/05/2018

OK. However, the presence of axons in SP is fuzzy. I am not so happy about these packets. I was thinking. Is it possible to contact the authors to get all 8 reconstructions or anything they are ready to share. - KM 06/09/2018

OK. tentatively approve of both [Sub Chrna2] packets. - GAA 07/18/2018

Firing Pattern
No image is associated with this neuron
No parameter associated with this neuron
ModelDB Model
Model Accession Number PubMed ID

Sources of Input
Known sources
Excitatory or Inhibitory
none known

Potential sources
Excitatory or Inhibitory
CA3 Trilaminar
CA1 Pyramidal
CA1 Deep Pyramidal
CA1 Superficial Pyramidal
CA1 Hippocampo-subicular Projecting ENK+
CA1 Oriens-QuadA Projecting
CA1 SO-SO Projecting*
CA1 Trilaminar
Sub CA1-Projecting Pyramidal
Sub EC-Projecting Pyramidal
Sub Pyramidale Multipolar Interneuron*
Sub Wide-arbor Polymorphic*
Sub Recurrent Polymorphic-Moleculare*
EC LI-II Pyramidal-Fan
MEC LII Stellate
EC LII-III Pyramidal-Tripolar
EC LIV-VI Deep Multipolar Principal
MEC LV Pyramidal

Potential sources known to be avoided
Excitatory or Inhibitory
Sub Axo-axonic

Targets of Output
Known targets
Excitatory or Inhibitory
none known

Potential targets
Excitatory or Inhibitory
Sub CA1-Projecting Pyramidal
Sub EC-Projecting Pyramidal
Sub Axo-axonic
Sub Pyramidale Multipolar Interneuron*
Sub Wide-arbor Polymorphic*
Sub Recurrent Polymorphic-Moleculare*

Potential targets known to be avoided
Excitatory or Inhibitory
none known

Oscillation Phase Locking