* indicates new v2.0 neuron type
Name Supertype (ID:Family:Type:Subregion)
CA1 (i)1102 O-LMR S121404:O-LM Family:O-LM-like:CA1

Name derivation
The "R" modifies the only name in the cited literature and distinguishes this cell from the canonical CA1 O-LM cell and from the variant with a recurrent axon in SO. SLM comes before SR in HC ordering of the layers. CA1 distinguishes these cells from O-LM cells in other subregions. O-LMR stands for "Oriens (dendrites) - Lacunosum-Moleculare Radiatum (axons)."

CA1 stratum oriens interneuron
CA1 O-LM cell
CA1 oriens-lacunosum-moleculare (OLM) cell

List of articles
Click here to view the list
Chittajallu R  (2013) Nat Neurosci
Dual origins of functionally distinct O-LM interneurons revealed by differential 5-HT(3A)R expression.
Chittajallu R, Craig MT, McFarland A, Yuan X, Gerfen S, Tricoire L, Erkkila B, Barron SC, Lopez CM, Liang BJ, Jeffries BW, Pelkey KA, McBain CJ.
Nat Neurosci, 2013 Nov, 16 (11), Pages: 1598 - 1607
PMID: 24097043; DOI: 10.1038/nn.3538
Tags: morphology, marker
Leao RN  (2012) Nat Neurosci
OLM interneurons differentially modulate CA3 and entorhinal inputs to hippocampal CA1 neurons.
Leao RN, Mikulovic S, Leao KE, Munguba H, Gezelius H, Enjin A, Patra K, Eriksson A, Loew LM, Tort AB, Kullander K.
Nat Neurosci, 2012 Nov, 15 (11), Pages: 1524 - 1530
PMID: 23042082; DOI: 10.1038/nn.3235
Tags: morphology, marker, connectivity, synapse probabilities
McBain CJ  (1994) J Neurosci
Activation of metabotropic glutamate receptors differentially affects two classes of hippocampal interneurons and potentiates excitatory synaptic transmission.
McBain CJ, DiChiara TJ, Kauer JA.
J Neurosci, 1994 Jul, 14 (7), Pages: 4433 - 4445
PMID: 7517996
Tags: morphology, connectivity, synapse probabilities
Spruston N  (2007) The Hippocampus Book
Chapter 5: Structural and functional properties of hippocampal neurons
Spruston N, McBain C.
The Hippocampus Book, 2007, Pages: 133 - 200
ISBN: 9780195100273
Tags: morphology, connectivity, synapse probabilities
Zemankovics R  (2010) J Physiol
Differences in subthreshold resonance of hippocampal pyramidal cells and interneurons: the role of h-current and passive membrane characteristics.
Zemankovics R, Kali S, Paulsen O, Freund TF, Hajos N.
J Physiol, 2010 Jun 15, 588 (Pt 12), Pages: 2109 - 2132
PMID: 20421280; DOI: 10.1113/jphysiol.2009.185975
Tags: morphology, membrane biophysics, firing patterns, synapse probabilities

Supplemental PMIDs
Click here to view the list of PMIDs

List of to NeuroMorpho.Org mappings
Click here to view the list of mappings


Molecular markers
AR-beta1 (inference)
mGluR1a (inference)
SOM (confirmed by inference)
vGAT (inference)
AR-beta2 (inference)
CR (inference)
ENK (multiple confirming inferences)
ErbB4 (multiple confirming inferences)
GABAa\alpha 6 (inference)
MOR (multiple confirming inferences)
PV (multiple confirming inferences)
vGluT3 (inference)
VIP (inference)
Mixed expression
None known

Electrophysiological properties
Key: [range] OR representative value±SD (measurements); Number of sources (total measurements): [min , max]

Resting membrane potential (Vrest): -55.7±6.5 mV (19); 1 source
Input resistance (Rin): [169.0, 211.0] MΩ (2); 1 source
Time constant (τm): [31.9, 46.9] ms (2); 1 source
Threshold potential (Vthresh): 34 mV (1); 1 source
Fast afterhyperpolaziring potential amplitude (Fast AHP): 19.4 mV (1); 1 source
Action potential amplitude (APampl): 84.4 mV (1); 1 source
Slow afterhyperpolarizing potential amplitude (Slow AHP): 5 mV (1); 1 source
Sag ratio: 0.68 (1); 1 source


CA1 O-LM 1102 neurons


CW, CLR 04/06/2011

Good examples of 0012 & 0103 too - GAA

Do you approve of merging these two cell classes under the name, CA1 (-)1102 stratum radiatum-targeting oriens-lacunosum moleculare (SR O-LM) neurons?

CA1 (-)1102 SR O-LM neurons
CA1 (-)1102 O-LM neurons

DWW 01/16/2013

CLR, CW 01/17/2013

Good! - GAA

CA1 (i)1102 O-LMR neurons [4087]

Related types: CA1 (i)1002 O-LM (v1.0 active)
CA1 (i)1112 O-LMRP (v2.0 on-hold)


Svboda et al (1999) was removed and added to CA1 (i)1003 O-LM packet due to above-threshold A:SO. Packet now contains McBain papers (1994 and 2007) and Zemankovics (2010). Cell counts in each are unclear relative to "traditional" 1002 O-LM cells.

Zemankovics (2010) contains EP data.

I am in agreement with keeping these two types (CA1 O-LMRP and O-LMR) separated based on the extremely sparse axons in the 1102 reconstructions. - JDK 11/03/2021

Update: Principal cell layer invoked rule: record axons in the PCL when boutons are present or when axons are branching and ostensibly targeting the PCL and not just passing through, but discount dendrites. - 11/15/2021

After re-review based on our updated new invoked rule, I am still in favor with keeping these two types (CA1 O-LMRP and O-LMR) separated based on the extremely sparse axons in the 1102 reconstructions. - JDK 11/22/2021

Reassessment of merger of CA1 (i)1112 O-LMRP into CA1 (i)1102 O-LMR.

I agree to have at least one more packet out of this material, and I can go with either pattern [CA1 (i)0102 vs. CA1 (i)0112], but Iā??m frankly not convinced that we want two distinct neuron types. I believe that in v1.0 we have systematically merged all these cases. Do we have any example of 2 types that only differ in axonal presence in PCL? Unless thereā??s direct evidence that one of the two makes synapses with the soma and the other does not, Iā??d probably just merge them. If you agree, I suggest 0112, but am also happy with 0102. If there are other similar cases in v2.0, please consider merging. - GAA 02/01/2022

Tough call. The Quattrocolo neuron appears to be targeting the PCL vs. an original v1.0 neuron type. - DWW 02/03/2022

So in re-reviewing each potential merger within the packet Diek has kindly provided, I had a few questions arise pertinent to favoring merging unless there is direct evidence that one neuron type makes synapses with the soma and the other does not:
1. How does this impact the new invoked rule defined in the provided packet, namely that we will "record axons in the PCL when boutons are present or when axons are branching and ostensibly targeting the PCL and not just passing through, but discount dendrites?" Shall we disregard it?
2. If we favor the route of merging unless we have direct evidence of one neuron type establishing synapses with the soma while the other does not, which AD pattern should be preferred? The AD pattern exhibited by the majority of the reconstructions or the AD pattern of a single reconstruction that shows axonal presence (e.g. the 0102 & 0112 case that led to this discussion)? Perhaps this should be a case by case basis depending on what evidence makes the most sense to us? - JDK 02/06/2022

I would suggest that we utilize the PCL invoked rule as our fallback position, when we do not have overriding motivation to merge two or more neuron types. As to which way to merge, I would suggest, since we have not been consistent in the past, that we evaluate on a case-by-case basis. - DWW 02/07/2022

I concur. - GAA 02/07/2022

Thank you for answering my questions and this route sounds good to me. In light of utilizing the PCL invoked rule as a fallback position, I am okay with merging in all cases in the "Axons in the PCL" packet except for the 0103 and 0113 merger where we have a text description directly stating that the X-OPR (0113 O-RPO) axons display en passant boutons in SP whereas the X-OR (0103 O-BiC) do not. - JDK 02/07/2022

After re-examining all of the original comments, Iā??m ok with keeping separate and on-hold. - GAA 02/13/2022

It was agreed by GAA, JDK, and DWW to void the potential merger. - 02/15/2022

Firing Pattern
Image Missing
Parameters View page
TSTUT.NASP [Evidence] [Firing Pattern]

Izhikevich Model
Parameters Single Compartment Downloads Simulate
subtype: 1 k=0.33;a= 0.006;b= 0.4;d= 48;C= 96;Vr= -56.44;Vt= -27.62;Vpeak= 29.48;Vmin= -51.29; Simulate
Image Missing
ModelDB Model
Model Accession Number PubMed ID

Sources of Input
Known sources
Excitatory or Inhibitory
CA1 Interneuron Specific O-Targeting QuadD

Potential sources
Excitatory or Inhibitory
CA3 Pyramidal
CA3c Pyramidal
CA3 Trilaminar
CA2 Pyramidal
CA2 Bistratified
CA1 Pyramidal
CA1 Deep Pyramidal
CA1 Superficial Pyramidal
CA1 Radiatum Giant
CA1 Back-Projection
CA1 Bistratified
CA1 Hippocampo-subicular Projecting ENK+
CA1 Ivy
CA1 Interneuron Specific LMO-O
CA1 Interneuron Specific LMR-O*
CA1 Recurrent O-LM
CA1 Recurrent O-LMR*
CA1 Oriens/Alveus
CA1 Oriens-Bistratified
CA1 Oriens-QuadA Projecting
CA1 Quadrilaminar
CA1 Interneuron Specific R-O
CA1 Interneuron Specific RO-O
CA1 Schaffer Collateral-Associated
CA1 Schaffer Collateral-Correlated*
CA1 SO-SO Projecting*
CA1 Trilaminar
CA1 Radial Trilaminar
EC LIII Small Pyramidal
EC LIII Pyramidal

Potential sources known to be avoided
Excitatory or Inhibitory
none known

Targets of Output
Known targets
Excitatory or Inhibitory
CA1 Pyramidal
CA1 Schaffer Collateral-Receiving R-Targeting

Potential targets
Excitatory or Inhibitory
CA1 Deep Pyramidal