CA2 (i)0302 SP-SR cells [3008]
Related types:
CA2 (i)0332 SP-SR (v1.0 on-hold)
Notes: Neurite differences in the principal cell Layers invoked rule: when compressing types, leave axons in the PCL because of the issue of target specificity, but discount dendrites.
Because of the invoked rule, the 0332 type should remain unchanged, but the 0322 type should be merged with the 0302 type as 0302. - DWW 10/19/2021
I am in favor of compression for the 0322 and 0302 reconstructions to be considered as 0302, with 0332 remaining unchanged. - JDK 11/03/2021
Update: Principal cell layer invoked rule: record axons in the PCL when boutons are present or when axons are branching and ostensibly targeting the PCL and not just passing through, but discount dendrites. - 11/15/2021
After re-review with our updated new invoked rule, I am still in favor of compression for the 0322 and 0302 reconstructions to be considered as 0302, with 0332 remaining unchanged. - JDK 11/22/2021
I approve. Panel C of page 5 also is a representative to be boxed, no? - GAA 01/26/2022
Figure 1C from Mercer et al., 2012, is actually highlighted on page 12 of the packet, which came from when there were two separate packets. I will combine the citations, so the packet is more compact and less confusing. - DWW 01/31/2022