Morphology |
Soma | |
CA2:SP |
Axons | |
CA3:SP | |
CA2:SP | |
CA1:SP |
Dendrites | |
CA3:SP | |
CA2:SLM | |
CA2:SR | |
CA2:SP | |
CA2:SO | |
CA1:SP |
Representative figure |
Local circuitry involving parvalbumin-positive basket cells in the CA2 region of the hippocampus. Mercer A, Eastlake K, Trigg HL, Thomson AM Hippocampus, 2012 Jan, 22 (1), pages: 43 - 56 PMID: 20882544; DOI: 10.1002/hipo.20841 |
Molecular markers |
Positive | |
Gaba-a-alpha (inference) | |
PV |
Negative | |
5HT-3 (inference) | |
CB (confirmed by inference) | |
CCK (multiple confirming inferences) | |
GABAa\alpha 6 (inference) | |
VIP (multiple confirming inferences) |
Mixed expression | |
None known |
Electrophysiological properties |
Key: [range] OR representative value±SD (measurements); Number of sources (total measurements): [min , max] | |
Resting membrane potential (Vrest): -74.9±5.6 mV (10); 1 source | |
Input resistance (Rin): 111.8±36.7 MΩ (10); 1 source | |
Time constant (τm): 12.6±4.2 ms (10); 1 source | |
Threshold potential (Vthresh): [26.0, 34.0] mV (2); 1 source | |
Fast afterhyperpolaziring potential amplitude (Fast AHP): 19.5±9 mV (10); 1 source | |
Action potential amplitude (APampl): 65.5±7.1 mV (10); 1 source | |
Action potential width (APwidth): 0.6±0.1 ms (10); 1 source | |
Max firing rate (Max F.R.): >125 Hz (1); 1 source | |
Slow afterhyperpolarizing potential amplitude (Slow AHP): 7 mV (1); 1 source | |
Sag ratio: 0.55 (1); 1 source |
Notes |
The cells from Mercer 2007, formerly 2332 basket cells, have been reinterpreted so proximal SO and SR are considered to be extensions of SP. Mercer (2007): distal portions of horizontal dendrites are sparsely spiny. Mercer (2012): dendrites putatively contact pyramidal somata or proximal dendrites. Borderline: D:CA3:SP and D:CA1:SP. |
Firing Pattern |
Images | |
Parameters | View page | |
ASP.NASP | [Evidence] [Firing Pattern] | |
RASP.NASP | [Evidence] [Firing Pattern] |
Izhikevich Model |
Parameters | Single Compartment | Downloads | Simulate |
subtype: 1 k=0.51;a= 0.006;b= -2.16;d= 66;C= 148;Vr= -63.2;Vt= -32.84;Vpeak= 35.01;Vmin= -38.33; | Simulate |
Images | |
ModelDB Model |
Model Accession Number | PubMed ID |
Sources of Input |
Targets of Output |
Oscillation Phase Locking |