CA2 Basket
* indicates new v2.0 neuron type
Name Supertype (ID:Family:Type:Subregion)
CA2 (i)2232 Basket S110703:Perisomatic-targeting:Basket:CA2

Name derivation
Although the cells are known to be PV+, this is omitted to match better the "PV+" basket cell names in other subregions. This is the canonical CA2 basket cell compared to the non-projecting variant. CA2 distinguishes these cells from basket cells in other subregions.

CA2 basket cell with narrow arbor

List of articles
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Mercer A  (2007) J Neurosci
Characterization of neurons in the CA2 subfield of the adult rat hippocampus.
Mercer A, Trigg HL, Thomson AM.
J Neurosci, 2007 Jul 4, 27 (27), Pages: 7329 - 7338
PMID: 17611285; DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1829-07.2007
Tags: morphology, marker, membrane biophysics, firing patterns, synapse probabilities
Mercer A  (2012) Hippocampus
Local circuitry involving parvalbumin-positive basket cells in the CA2 region of the hippocampus.
Mercer A, Eastlake K, Trigg HL, Thomson AM.
Hippocampus, 2012 Jan, 22 (1), Pages: 43 - 56
PMID: 20882544; DOI: 10.1002/hipo.20841
Tags: morphology

Supplemental PMIDs
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List of to NeuroMorpho.Org mappings
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  • Somogyi

  • Morphology

    Representative figure
    Characterization of neurons in the CA2 subfield of the adult rat hippocampus.
    Mercer A, Trigg HL, Thomson AM
    J Neurosci, 2007 Jul 4, 27 (27), pages: 7329 - 7338
    PMID: 17611285; DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1829-07.2007

    "Figure 3. Dendritic and axonal arbors of basket cells recorded and filled in the CA1 and CA2 regions...Ba, Reconstruction using a drawing tube (1000X) of a CA2 basket cell {CA2 Basket} that was confined to the CA2 region. The dendrites are in black,and the axon is in red... Ca, A CA2 basket cell {CA2 Wide-Arbor Basket} was reconstructed using a drawing tube (1000X). The dendritic tree of this basket cell (in black) extended radially through all layers of the CA2 region and horizontally in SO and SP of the CA2 and CA3 regions. One horizontal dendrite also reached the CA1 region. The axon (in red) extended to the CA3 and CA1 regions..."

    Molecular markers
    Gaba-a-alpha (inference)
    5HT-3 (inference)
    CB (confirmed by inference)
    CCK (multiple confirming inferences)
    GABAa\alpha 6 (inference)
    VIP (multiple confirming inferences)
    Mixed expression
    None known

    Electrophysiological properties
    Key: [range] OR representative value±SD (measurements); Number of sources (total measurements): [min , max]

    Resting membrane potential (Vrest): -71.2±4 mV (6); 1 source
    Input resistance (Rin): 77±19.3 MΩ (6); 1 source
    Time constant (τm): 8.2±3.2 ms (6); 1 source
    Threshold potential (Vthresh): [17.0, 27.0] mV (2); 1 source
    Fast afterhyperpolaziring potential amplitude (Fast AHP): 22±5.1 mV (6); 1 source
    Action potential amplitude (APampl): 62.7±9 mV (6); 1 source
    Action potential width (APwidth): 0.5±0.1 ms (6); 1 source
    Max firing rate (Max F.R.): >180 Hz (1); 1 source
    Slow afterhyperpolarizing potential amplitude (Slow AHP): 3 mV (1); 1 source
    Sag ratio: 0.99 (1); 1 source

    The cells from Mercer 2007, formerly 2233 basket cells, have been reinterpreted so proximal SO and SR are considered to be extensions of SP. Mercer (2012): dendrites putatively contact pyramidal somata or proximal dendrites

    Firing Pattern
    Image Missing
    Parameters View page
    D.PSTUT [Evidence] [Firing Pattern]
    PSTUT [Evidence] [Firing Pattern]

    Izhikevich Model
    Parameters Single Compartment Downloads Simulate
    subtype: 1 k=5.12;a= 0.012;b= -28.48;d= 132;C= 150;Vr= -70.31;Vt= -49.91;Vpeak= -10.27;Vmin= -57.08; Simulate
    Image Missing
    ModelDB Model
    Model Accession Number PubMed ID

    Sources of Input
    Known sources
    Excitatory or Inhibitory
    CA2 Pyramidal

    Potential sources
    Excitatory or Inhibitory
    DG Granule
    CA3 Pyramidal
    CA3c Pyramidal
    CA3c Umbrella Pyramidal*
    CA3 Perforant Path-Associated Projecting*
    CA2 Basket
    CA2 Wide-Arbor Basket
    CA2 Bistratified
    CA2 SP-SR
    MEC LII Stellate

    Potential sources known to be avoided
    Excitatory or Inhibitory
    none known

    Targets of Output
    Known targets
    Excitatory or Inhibitory
    CA2 Pyramidal

    Potential targets
    Excitatory or Inhibitory
    CA2 Basket
    CA2 Wide-Arbor Basket
    CA2 Bistratified

    Potential targets known to be avoided
    Excitatory or Inhibitory
    none known

    Oscillation Phase Locking