DG (i)3300p-Sub_100 Wide-arbor Neurogliaform (Wide NGF) cells [1075]
Related types:
DG (i)3300 COM-MOPP (v2.0 unapproved active)
DG (i)3000p Neurogliaform (v1.0 active)
DG (i)3000 MOPP (v1.0 active)
Notes: These 3300p cells clearly have projections into Sub, which distinguishes them from the 3300 and 3000 cells. Although weak for A, there is an A and D presence in SMi for these 3300p cells, which is lacking in the 3000p cells.
Figure S6: I approve these calls - CLR 01/17/2017
Approved. - KM 09/21/2017
This one looks good. Neurogliaform? - GAA 10/03/2017
OK? Though not really superstrong ...
Name: wide-arbor NGF?!
Reconfirm with DWW ... - GAA 10/13/2017