* indicates new v2.0 neuron type
Name Supertype (ID:Family:Type:Subregion)
DG (i)3302 MOLAX S100601:Ivy/Neurogliaform Family:MOPP-like:DG

Name derivation
This acronym, which stands for "MOlecular Layer AXons," is cited in the literature to describe a variant of the DG TML type with axons only in SM.

dentate neuron with an axon innervating the molecular layer
DG cell with an axon directed towards the molecular layer
DG interneuron with axons distributed diffusely throughout the molecular layer
DG TML cell
DG total molecular layer interneuron

List of articles
Click here to view the list
Frotscher M  (1994) Synapse
Divergence of hippocampal mossy fibers.
Frotscher M, Soriano E, Misgeld U.
Synapse, 1994 Feb, 16 (2), Pages: 148 - 160
PMID: 8197576; DOI: 10.1002/syn.890160208
Tags: morphology
Liu YC  (2014) J Neurosci
Rapid dynamic changes of dendritic inhibition in the dentate gyrus by presynaptic activity patterns.
Liu YC, Cheng JK, Lien CC.
J Neurosci, 2014 Jan, 34 (4), Pages: 1344 - 1357
PMID: 24453325; DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2566-13.2014
Tags: connectivity, synapse probabilities
Mott DD  (1997) J Neurosci
Interneurons of the dentate-hilus border of the rat dentate gyrus: morphological and electrophysiological heterogeneity.
Mott DD, Turner DA, Okazaki MM, Lewis DV.
J Neurosci, 1997 Jun 1, 17 (11), Pages: 3990 - 4005
PMID: 9151716
Tags: morphology, membrane biophysics, firing patterns, synapse probabilities
Soriano E  (1993) J Comp Neurol
GABAergic innervation of the rat fascia dentata: a novel type of interneuron in the granule cell layer with extensive axonal arborization in the molecular layer.
Soriano E, Frotscher M.
J Comp Neurol, 1993 Aug 15, 334 (3), Pages: 385 - 396
PMID: 8376624; DOI: 10.1002/cne.903340305
Tags: morphology, synapse probabilities
Vida I  (2010) Hippocampal Microcircuits: A Computational Modeler's Resource Book
Morphology of Hippocampal Neurons
Vida I.
Hippocampal Microcircuits: A Computational Modeler's Resource Book, 2010, Pages: 27 - 68
ISBN: 9781441909954
Tags: morphology, connectivity, synapse probabilities

Supplemental PMIDs
Click here to view the list of PMIDs

List of Hippocampome.org to NeuroMorpho.Org mappings
Click here to view the list of mappings
  • Bartos
    • HIPP1 (Fig S7B)
    • ML1 (fits the general description of "DG MOLAX" based on the distribution of axons and dendrites)
    • TML1 (Fig S5A)
  • Lien
  • Turner
    • n255 (fits the general description of "MOLAX" based on Figures 5A, 5B, and 5C)
    • n257 (Fig 5C1-2)
    • n259 (fits the general description of "MOLAX" based on Figures 5A, 5B, and 5C)
    • more ...
  • Vida

  • Morphology

    Representative figure
    Morphology of Hippocampal Neurons

    Hippocampal Microcircuits: A Computational Modeler's Resource Book, 2010, pages: 27 - 68
    ISBN: 9781441909954;

    "Fig. S2"

    Molecular markers
    None known
    GABAa\alpha 6 (inference)
    mGluR1a (inference)
    SOM (multiple confirming inferences)
    Mixed expression
    None known

    Electrophysiological properties
    Key: [range] OR representative value±SD (measurements); Number of sources (total measurements): [min , max]

    Resting membrane potential (Vrest): -54.5±1.9 mV (13); 2 sources (19): [-57.5 , -54.5]
    Input resistance (Rin): 198.2±23.8 MΩ (13); 2 sources (19): [198.2 , 256.5]
    Time constant (τm): 18.4±1.1 ms (13); 1 source
    Threshold potential (Vthresh): 15.2 mV (1); 2 sources (2): [15.2 , 22.5]
    Fast afterhyperpolaziring potential amplitude (Fast AHP): 11 mV (1); 2 sources (2): [11 , 13]
    Action potential amplitude (APampl): [72.9, 44.4] mV (2); 2 sources (8): [43.2 , 72.9]
    Action potential width (APwidth): 0.86±0.11 ms (6); 1 source
    Max firing rate (Max F.R.): 50 Hz (1); 1 source
    Slow afterhyperpolarizing potential amplitude (Slow AHP): 3.5 mV (1); 2 sources (2): [3.5 , 4.5]


    DG [3313] TML cells


    CLR, CW

    Check out Mott et al. paper (D. A. Turner's group) - GAA

    DG TML 3302 cells



    This document contains information on:

    DG total molecular layer 3303 neurons
    DG total molecular layer 3302 neurons

    I am interpreting 2 separate classes. Bartos curiously does not cite Mott, which is one clue that these may be different classes. In Mott, it is unclear from the wording how typical/atypical the presence of axons in the hilus is.

    opinions? - DWW

    I agree that the n numbers in Mott aren't clear. The 11 with an axon in hilus are enough for a class, which seems to be distinct from the 'typical' cells shown in Figure 2. I'm OK with two classes. - CLR 02/26/2011

    I agree - 2 classes - CW 03/08/2011

    DG MOLAX 3302 cell

    I propose merging this class with DG 3302 TML cells. - DWW

    Paperclipped together are the two classes DG MOLAX 3302 cells, which is a new class, and DG 3302 TML cells, which has already been fully approved.

    If the DG MOLAX 3302 class receives full approval, then it is proposed that we merge these two classes.

    AOK I assume we're also keeping TML 3303? - GAA

    yes. - CLR

    Paperclipped together are a previous cover sheet and the two classes

    DG MOLAX 3302 cells (fully approved)
    DG TML 3302 cells (fully approved)

    1) Do you approve of merging these two cell classes?

    Yes. - DWW, CW, CLR

    2) Assuming merger, what unified class name do you prefer?

    TML: total molecular layer?

    DWW, CW, CLR

    I'm OK with merger. MOLAX part of packet (Soriano/Frotscher) needs to get cleaned. Is the MOLAX name theirs? If not, I'm fine with TML. In general, name proposals should be accompanied by a specification as to their provenance. - GAA

    DG (i)3302 MOLAX cells [1005]

    After reviewing the provided [DG (i)3002 MOHIPP] packet, I concur with the interpretations and approve of this neuron type for v2.0. - JDK 10/13/2021

    I'm not convinced. I would probably consider writing off these [DG (i)3002 MOHIPP] cells as Outer Molecular Layer (3222) or MOLAX (3302) neurons?! Happy to re-discuss though ... - GAA 01/19/2022

    I think the OML interpretation has its merits, more so than the MOLAX interpretation. - DWW 01/21/2022

    I'd say I still favor the 3002 interpretation based on the low axonal and dendritic presence within SMi, but can also see interpreting the A-D pattern as MOLAX (3302) as the axonal and dendritic presence within SMi is around the ~15% threshold and there is a fair amount of branching. The OML interpretation I favor less than the MOLAX or MOHIPP interpretation as the dendritic presence within SG is far below the 15% threshold and there is minimal branching in the provided reconstruction. - JDK 01/21/2022

    Based on comparisons with the established v1.0 neuron types, I now posit that the blue MOHIPP cell [Fig. 4c from Lee et al., 2016] is a 3222 OML, and the brown MOHIPP cell [Fig. S2d from Lee et al., 2016] is a 3302 MOLAX. - DWW 01/22/2022

    I concur. - GAA 01/22/2022

    I am also in agreement. - JDK 01/22/2022

    Supplement notes:

    Related types: DG (i)3303 Total Molecular Layer (v1.0 active)

    Firing pattern.

    DWW 05/23/2023

    I concur with the 3302 AD pattern. - JDK 05/23/2023

    approved. - GAA 05/24/2023

    Firing Pattern
    Image MissingImage MissingImage MissingImage MissingImage MissingImage Missing
    Parameters View page
    ASP. [Evidence] [Firing Pattern]
    PSTUT [Evidence] [Firing Pattern]
    RASP.ASP. [Evidence] [Firing Pattern]
    RASP.NASP [Evidence] [Firing Pattern]
    TSTUT.SLN [Evidence] [Firing Pattern]

    Izhikevich Model
    Parameters Single Compartment Downloads Simulate
    subtype: 1 k=0.92;a= 0.001;b= -3.12;d= 8;C= 236;Vr= -54.91;Vt= -41.69;Vpeak= -11.61;Vmin= -48.73; Simulate
    subtype: 2 k=3.53;a= 0.001;b= 16.76;d= 2;C= 429;Vr= -54.05;Vt= -37.23;Vpeak= -10.76;Vmin= -47.14; Simulate
    subtype: 3 k=2.69;a= 0.002;b= -46.08;d= 77;C= 275;Vr= -54.61;Vt= -43.22;Vpeak= -11.34;Vmin= -46.83; Simulate
    subtype: 4 k=0.65;a= 0.008;b= -10.12;d= 196;C= 149;Vr= -54.94;Vt= -36.5;Vpeak= 33.75;Vmin= -30.49; Simulate
    subtype: 5 k=3.83;a= 0.01;b= -4.89;d= 57;C= 202;Vr= -54.2;Vt= -43.78;Vpeak= -11.06;Vmin= -47.1; Simulate
    Image MissingImage MissingImage MissingImage MissingImage Missing
    ModelDB Model
    Model Accession Number PubMed ID

    Sources of Input
    Known sources
    Excitatory or Inhibitory
    none known

    Potential sources
    Excitatory or Inhibitory
    DG Granule
    DG Adult-Born Immature Granule*
    DG Hilar Ectopic Granule
    DG Semilunar Granule
    DG Cajal-Retzius*
    DG Local-Projecting Cajal-Retzius*
    DG Mossy
    DG Mossy MOLDEN
    DG Interneuron Specific COLTAR*
    DG Interneuron Specific IMOT*
    DG Hilus-Associated Interneuron*
    DG Interneuron Specific HIMOLD*
    DG Recurrent HIPP*
    DG Recurrent HIPP-CAP*
    DG Interneuron Specific HIPRO*
    DG Ivy*
    DG Molecular Layer*
    DG Outer Molecular Layer
    DG Total Molecular Layer
    DG Neurogliaform
    DG Wide-Arbor Neurogliaform*
    CA3c Pyramidal
    CA3c Umbrella Pyramidal*
    CA3 Spiny Lucidum
    CA3 Mossy Fiber-Associated
    CA3 Mossy Fiber-Associated ORDEN
    CA3 Perforant Path-Associated Projecting*
    CA3 Interneuron Specific Quad
    CA2 Pyramidal
    CA1 Local-Projecting Cajal-Retzius*
    CA1 Back-Projection
    CA1 LMR Projecting
    CA1 Neurogliaform Projecting
    CA1 Perforant Path-Associated
    EC LI-II Pyramidal-Fan
    MEC LII Stellate
    EC LII-III Pyramidal-Tripolar
    EC LIV-V Pyramidal-Horizontal
    MEC LV Pyramidal

    Potential sources known to be avoided
    Excitatory or Inhibitory
    DG Axo-axonic
    DG Axo-axonic GRALDEN*

    Targets of Output
    Known targets
    Excitatory or Inhibitory
    DG Granule

    Potential targets
    Excitatory or Inhibitory
    DG Adult-Born Immature Granule*
    DG Hilar Ectopic Granule
    DG Semilunar Granule
    DG Cajal-Retzius*
    DG Local-Projecting Cajal-Retzius*
    DG Mossy MOLDEN
    DG Axo-axonic
    DG Granulosum-targeting Axo-axonic*
    DG Axo-axonic GRALDEN*
    DG Basket
    DG Basket GRALDEN*
    DG Basket CCK+
    DG Interneuron Specific COLTAR*
    DG Interneuron Specific IMOT*
    DG Interneuron Specific HIMOLD*
    DG Interneuron Specific HIPRO*
    DG Ivy*
    DG Molecular Layer*
    DG Outer Molecular Layer
    DG Total Molecular Layer
    DG Neurogliaform
    DG Wide-Arbor Neurogliaform*
    CA1 Neurogliaform Projecting

    Potential targets known to be avoided
    Excitatory or Inhibitory
    none known

    Oscillation Phase Locking