DG Mossy
* indicates new v2.0 neuron type
Name Supertype (ID:Family:Type:Subregion)
DG (e)0103 Mossy S020201:Glutamatergic MC:Mossy:DG

Name derivation
This is a canonical secondary cell of the dentate gyrus circuitry and is the name most often cited in the literature.

DG mossy cell
DG spiny hilar cell

List of articles
Click here to view the list
Amaral D  (2007) The Hippocampus Book
Hippocampal Neuroanatomy
Amaral D, Lavenex P.
The Hippocampus Book, 2007, Pages: 35 - 112
ISBN: 9780195100273
Tags: morphology, connectivity, synapse probabilities
Amaral DG  (1978) J Comp Neurol
A Golgi study of cell types in the hilar region of the hippocampus in the rat.
Amaral DG.
J Comp Neurol, 1978 Dec 15, 182 (4 Pt 2), Pages: 851 - 914
PMID: 730852; DOI: 10.1002/cne.901820508
Tags: morphology
Amaral DG  (2007) Prog Brain Res
The dentate gyrus: fundamental neuroanatomical organization (dentate gyrus for dummies).
Amaral DG, Scharfman HE, Lavenex P.
Prog Brain Res, 2007, 163, Pages: 3 - 22
PMID: 17765709; DOI: 10.1016/S0079-6123(07)63001-5
Tags: morphology, connectivity, synapse probabilities
Buckmaster PS  (1992) Hippocampus
Mossy cell axonal projections to the dentate gyrus molecular layer in the rat hippocampal slice.
Buckmaster PS, Strowbridge BW, Kunkel DD, Schmiege DL, Schwartzkroin PA.
Hippocampus, 1992 Oct, 2 (4), Pages: 349 - 362
PMID: 1284975; DOI: 10.1002/hipo.450020403
Tags: morphology, synapse probabilities
Buckmaster PS  (1996) J Comp Neurol
Axon arbors and synaptic connections of hippocampal mossy cells in the rat in vivo.
Buckmaster PS, Wenzel HJ, Kunkel DD, Schwartzkroin PA.
J Comp Neurol, 1996 Mar 4, 366 (2), Pages: 271 - 292
PMID: 8698887; DOI: 10.1002/(SICI)1096-9861(19960304)366:2<270::AID-CNE7>3.0.CO;2-2
Tags: morphology, connectivity, synapse probabilities
Dyhrfjeld-Johnsen J  (2007) J Neurophysiol
Topological determinants of epileptogenesis in large-scale structural and functional models of the dentate gyrus derived from experimental data.
Dyhrfjeld-Johnsen J, Santhakumar V, Morgan RJ, Huerta R, Tsimring L, Soltesz I.
J Neurophysiol, 2007 Feb, 97 (2), Pages: 1566 - 1587
PMID: 17093119; DOI: 10.1152/jn.00950.2006
Tags: morphology, connectivity, synapse probabilities
Freund TF  (1996) Hippocampus
Interneurons of the hippocampus.
Freund TF, Buzsaki G.
Hippocampus, 1996, 6 (4), Pages: 347 - 470
PMID: 8915675; DOI: 10.1002/(SICI)1098-1063(1996)6:4<347::AID-HIPO1>3.0.CO;2-I
Tags: morphology, marker, connectivity, synapse probabilities
Frotscher M  (1991) J Comp Neurol
The mossy cells of the fascia dentata: a comparative study of their fine structure and synaptic connections in rodents and primates.
Frotscher M, Seress L, Schwerdtfeger WK, Buhl E.
J Comp Neurol, 1991 Oct 1, 312 (1), Pages: 145 - 163
PMID: 1744242; DOI: 10.1002/cne.903120111
Tags: morphology, connectivity, synapse probabilities
Leranth C  (2007) Prog Brain Res
Extrinsic afferent systems to the dentate gyrus.
Leranth C, Hajszan T.
Prog Brain Res, 2007, 163, Pages: 63 - 84
PMID: 17765712; DOI: 10.1016/S0079-6123(07)63004-0
Tags: morphology, connectivity, synapse probabilities
Lubke J  (1998) J Neurophysiol
Specialized electrophysiological properties of anatomically identified neurons in the hilar region of the rat fascia dentata.
Lubke J, Frotscher M, Spruston N.
J Neurophysiol, 1998 Mar, 79 (3), Pages: 1518 - 1534
PMID: 9497429
Tags: morphology, membrane biophysics, connectivity, firing patterns, synapse probabilities
Morgan RJ  (2007) Prog Brain Res
Modeling the dentate gyrus.
Morgan RJ, Santhakumar V, Soltesz I.
Prog Brain Res, 2007, 163, Pages: 639 - 658
PMID: 17765743; DOI: 10.1016/S0079-6123(07)63035-0
Tags: morphology, connectivity, synapse probabilities
Morgan RJ  (2010) Hippocampal Microcircuits: A Computational Modeler's Resource Book
Microcircuit Model of the Dentate Gyrus in Epilepsy
Morgan RJ, Soltesz I.
Hippocampal Microcircuits: A Computational Modeler's Resource Book, 2010, Pages: 495 - 526
ISBN: 9781441909954
Tags: morphology, connectivity, synapse probabilities
Patton PE  (1995) Hippocampus
Connection matrix of the hippocampal formation: I. The dentate gyrus.
Patton PE, McNaughton B.
Hippocampus, 1995, 5 (4), Pages: 245 - 286
PMID: 8589792; DOI: 10.1002/hipo.450050402
Tags: morphology, marker, connectivity, synapse probabilities
Ribak CE  (1985) J Neurocytol
The development, ultrastructure and synaptic connections of the mossy cells of the dentate gyrus.
Ribak CE, Seress L, Amaral DG.
J Neurocytol, 1985 Oct, 14 (5), Pages: 835 - 857
PMID: 2419523; DOI: 10.1007/BF01170832
Tags: morphology
Ribak CE  (2007) Prog Brain Res
Ultrastructure and synaptic connectivity of cell types in the adult rat dentate gyrus.
Ribak CE, Shapiro LA.
Prog Brain Res, 2007, 163, Pages: 155 - 166
PMID: 17765717; DOI: 10.1016/S0079-6123(07)63009-X
Tags: morphology, connectivity, synapse probabilities
Sanchez-Aguilera A  (2021) PLoS Biology
An update to Hippocampome.org by integrating single-cell phenotypes with circuit function in vivo
Sanchez-Aguilera A, Wheeler DW, Jurado-Parras T, Valero M, Nokia MS, Cid E, Fernandez-Lamo I, Sutton N, Garcia-Rincon D, de la Prida LM, Ascoli GA.
PLoS Biology, 2021, 19 (5), Pages: 1 - 28
PMID: 33956790; DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.3001213
Tags: phases
Santhakumar V  (2008) Computational neuroscience in epilepsy
Modeling circuit alterations in epilepsy: A focus on mossy cell loss and mossy fiber sprouting in the dentate gyrus
Santhakumar V.
Computational neuroscience in epilepsy, 2008, Pages: 89 - 111
ISBN: 9780123736499
Tags: morphology, connectivity, synapse probabilities
Scharfman HE  (1994) J Neurophysiol
Evidence from simultaneous intracellular recordings in rat hippocampal slices that area CA3 pyramidal cells innervate dentate hilar mossy cells.
Scharfman HE.
J Neurophysiol, 1994 Nov, 72 (5), Pages: 2167 - 2180
PMID: 7884451
Tags: morphology, connectivity, synapse probabilities
Scharfman HE  (2012) Front Neural Circuits
Hilar mossy cells of the dentate gyrus: a historical perspective.
Scharfman HE, Myers CE.
Front Neural Circuits, 2012, 6, Pages: 106 -
PMID: 23420672; DOI: 10.3389/fncir.2012.00106
Tags: morphology
Senzai Y  (2017) Neuron
Physiological Properties and Behavioral Correlates of Hippocampal Granule Cells and Mossy Cells.
Senzai Y, Buzsaki G..
Neuron, 2017, Pages: 691 - 704
PMID: 28132824
Tags: phases
Seress L  (2007) Prog Brain Res
Comparative anatomy of the hippocampal dentate gyrus in adult and developing rodents, non-human primates and humans.
Seress L.
Prog Brain Res, 2007, 163, Pages: 23 - 41
PMID: 17765710; DOI: 10.1016/S0079-6123(07)63002-7
Tags: morphology, marker, connectivity, synapse probabilities
Spruston N  (2007) The Hippocampus Book
Chapter 5: Structural and functional properties of hippocampal neurons
Spruston N, McBain C.
The Hippocampus Book, 2007, Pages: 133 - 200
ISBN: 9780195100273
Tags: morphology, connectivity, synapse probabilities
Vida I  (2010) Hippocampal Microcircuits: A Computational Modeler's Resource Book
Morphology of Hippocampal Neurons
Vida I.
Hippocampal Microcircuits: A Computational Modeler's Resource Book, 2010, Pages: 27 - 68
ISBN: 9781441909954
Tags: morphology, connectivity, synapse probabilities
Williams PA  (2007) J Neurosci
Semilunar granule cells: glutamatergic neurons in the rat dentate gyrus with axon collaterals in the inner molecular layer.
Williams PA, Larimer P, Gao Y, Strowbridge BW.
J Neurosci, 2007 Dec 12, 27 (50), Pages: 13756 - 13761
PMID: 18077687; DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.4053-07.2007
Tags: morphology, connectivity, synapse probabilities
Witter MP  (2010) Hippocampal Microcircuits: A Computational Modeler's Resource Book
Connectivity of the Hippocampus
Witter MP.
Hippocampal Microcircuits: A Computational Modeler's Resource Book, 2010, Pages: 5 - 26
ISBN: 9781441909954
Tags: morphology, connectivity, synapse probabilities

Supplemental PMIDs
Click here to view the list of PMIDs


Representative figure
Mossy cell axonal projections to the dentate gyrus molecular layer in the rat hippocampal slice.
Buckmaster PS, Strowbridge BW, Kunkel DD, Schmiege DL, Schwartzkroin PA
Hippocampus, 1992 Oct, 2 (4), pages: 349 - 362
PMID: 1284975; DOI: 10.1002/hipo.450020403

"Fig. 7. A mossy cell {DG Mossy} deep in the hilus (H) [of the dentate gyrus]. This cell had one of the most extensive axonal projections to the molecular layer (ML). (A) Photograph of the reconstructed cell. Thorny excrescences (filled arrows) cover the large, proximal dendrites, whereas simpler "classical" spines (open arrows) are on the smaller, distal dendrite. ... (B) Camera lucida drawing of soma and dendritic arbor. Note that the dendrites extend widely within the hilus but do not penetrate the granule cell layer (GCL). (C) Camera lucida drawing of soma and axonal plexus. The axon ramifies throughout the hilus and enters the dentate granule cell layer (both superior and inferior blades) at considerable distances from the soma of origin. A single collateral projects through the CA3 cell body layer (CA3) and toward the fimbria."

Molecular markers
GABAa\alpha 6 (inference)
Gaba-a-alpha (inference)
mGluR1a (inference)
nNOS (inference)
PV (confirmed by inference)
SOM (confirmed by inference)
Mixed expression
CGRP (species/protocol differences)
CR (species/protocol differences)

Electrophysiological properties
Key: [range] OR representative value±SD (measurements); Number of sources (total measurements): [min , max]

Resting membrane potential (Vrest): -62±1 mV (9); 1 source
Input resistance (Rin): 199±19 MΩ (9); 1 source
Time constant (τm): 41±3 ms (8); 1 source
Threshold potential (Vthresh): 23.7 mV (1); 1 source
Fast afterhyperpolaziring potential amplitude (Fast AHP): 6.2±0.9 mV (9); 1 source
Action potential amplitude (APampl): 62.5 mV (1); 1 source
Action potential width (APwidth): 0.78±0.04 ms (9); 1 source
Max firing rate (Max F.R.): 50±6 Hz (9); 1 source
Slow afterhyperpolarizing potential amplitude (Slow AHP): 2.8±0.7 mV (9); 1 source
Sag ratio: 0.81±0.03 (9); 1 source

Axonal lengths (avg. of 3 cells): SMo = 4%, SMi = 57%, SG = 7%, H = 26%, CA3 = 3%, CA1 = 1%. Axonal synapses: H = 15%, SG = 3%, SMi = 82%. No A:SG contacts in deep SG and only sparse A:SG contacts onto dendritic spines and shafts and a GC soma. Amaral (1978) states D:SM in young (<14 d) and old (18 m) but not at 28 d. Ribak et al. (1985) states occasional D:SM_SG but rarely in mature brain. Dendrites appear to avoid CA3. Thorny excrescences on proximal dendrites and somata and spines on distal dendrites. Excitatory asymmetric synapses. A:H primarily contact GABA-positive dendritic shafts, some somata, and GABA-negative dendritic spines. A:SG contact dendritic spines and shafts and GC somata. A:SMi primarily contact GC proximal dendritic spines. In Lübke et al. (1998) some of the youngest rats may be adolescents. The spiny hilar cells of Scharfman (1990) were considered for this cell type and rejected due to D:SMo_SMi and no axonal information. The mossy cells of Soltesz et al. (1993) were considered for cell this type and determined to be DG (+)2323 mossy cells in another cell type.

Firing Pattern
Image MissingImage Missing
Parameters View page
D.ASP. [Evidence] [Firing Pattern]
D.NASP [Evidence] [Firing Pattern]

Izhikevich Model
Parameters Single Compartment Downloads Simulate
subtype: 1 k=1.5;a= 0.004;b= -20.84;d= 117;C= 258;Vr= -63.67;Vt= -37.11;Vpeak= 28.29;Vmin= -47.98; Simulate
Image Missing
ModelDB Model
Model Accession Number PubMed ID
124513 15342722
124513 17093119
124513 18375756
124513 17765743
206372 27784124
51781 15342722
155568 24811867
155568 22811762
185355 25269417
206397 28132825
124513 15342722
124513 17093119
124513 18375756
124513 17765743
206372 27784124
51781 15342722
155568 24811867
155568 22811762
185355 25269417
206397 28132825

Sources of Input
Known sources
Excitatory or Inhibitory
DG Granule
DG Semilunar Granule
DG Mossy
DG Axo-axonic
CA3c Pyramidal
CA3 Mossy Fiber-Associated ORDEN

Potential sources
Excitatory or Inhibitory
DG Adult-Born Immature Granule*
DG Hilar Ectopic Granule
DG Hilus-Associated Interneuron*
DG Recurrent HIPP*
DG Recurrent HIPP-CAP*
DG Ivy*
DG Total Molecular Layer
CA3c Umbrella Pyramidal*
CA3 Mossy Fiber-Associated
CA2 Pyramidal
CA1 Back-Projection
MEC LV Pyramidal

Potential sources known to be avoided
Excitatory or Inhibitory
DG Interneuron Specific COLTAR*
DG Interneuron Specific HIMOLD*
DG Interneuron Specific HIPRO*
CA3 Interneuron Specific Quad

Targets of Output
Known targets
Excitatory or Inhibitory
DG Granule
DG Mossy
DG Axo-axonic

Potential targets
Excitatory or Inhibitory
DG Adult-Born Immature Granule*
DG Hilar Ectopic Granule
DG Semilunar Granule
DG Granulosum-targeting Axo-axonic*
DG Axo-axonic GRALDEN*
DG Basket
DG Basket CCK+
DG Interneuron Specific IMOT*
DG Hilus-Associated Interneuron*
DG Interneuron Specific HIMOLD*
DG Recurrent HIPP*
DG Recurrent HIPP-CAP*
DG Interneuron Specific HIPRO*
DG Ivy*
DG Molecular Layer*
DG Outer Molecular Layer
DG Total Molecular Layer
DG Wide-Arbor Neurogliaform*
CA3 Interneuron Specific Quad

Potential targets known to be avoided
Excitatory or Inhibitory
none known

Oscillation Phase Locking
Theta (deg):28.39
Theta range:[28.39, 28.39]
Theta measurements:1
Theta representative selection:   mice, adult, unknown sex,
optotagging, freely moving
SWR ratio:0.00
SWR ratio range:[0.00, 0.00]
SWR ratio measurements:1
SWR ratio representative selection:   rats, adult, male and female,
sharp pipette, urethane
In vivo firing rate (Hz):0.84
Firing rate range:[0.84, 0.84]
Firing rate measurements:1
Firing rate representative selection:   mice, adult, unknown sex,
optotagging, freely moving
Other:DS_ratio and 7 others
Other representative selection:   rats, adult, male and female,
sharp pipette, urethane