On-hold Types – NMO literature coverage is version 7.5 as of 15 August 2018
Subregion (i/e) Pattern Type Count Reason on hold Figure / Table Authors Title Journal/Book Year PMID Unique ID NMO ID NeuroElectro Article ID
DG (e) 2201p-CA3_00100 Semilunar Granule N = 1 N = 1. Soma location distinguishes this cell from being a GC. Fig 2B Gupta A, Elgammal FS, Proddutur A, Shah S, Santhakumar V Decrease in tonic inhibition contributes to increase in dentate semilunar granule cell excitability after brain injury Journal of Neuroscience 2012 22396425 1077 NMO_08246  
DG (e) 2001p-CA3_00110 Displaced Granule cell N = 1 N = 1 Fig 9A Ceranik K, Bender R, Geiger JR, Monyer H, Jonas P, Frotscher M, Lübke J A novel type of GABAergic interneuron connecting the input and the output regions of the hippocampus Journal of Neuroscience 1997 9204922 1079 No 3D reconstructions  
DG (e) 2000 Cajal-Retzius N > 1 dendrites only Fig 1 Quattrocolo G, Maccaferri G Optogenetic activation of cajal-retzius cells reveals their glutamatergic output and a novel feedforward circuit in the developing mouse hippocampus Journal of Neuroscience 2014 25253849 1068 No 3D reconstructions  
DG (e) 0223 MC   SM is not indicated in the figure for determining the full extent of the dendrites; from Scharfman et al 2001 Figs 6A1-2 Scharfman HE, Myers CE Hilar mossy cells of the dentate gyrus: a historical perspective Frontiers in Neural Circuits 2013 23420672 1054 Not yet in database  
DG (e) 0123p-CA3_02222 mossy cell projecting N = 1 D:CA3 evidence is light Fig 4 Soltesz I, Bourassa J, Deschênes M The behavior of mossy cells of the rat dentate gyrus during theta oscillations in vivo Neuroscience 1993 8309524 1032 No 3D reconstructions  
DG (e) 0013 MC N = 1 N = 1 Fig 1 Buckmaster PS, Strowbridge BW, Schwartzkroin PA A comparison of rat hippocampal mossy cells and CA3c pyramidal cells Journal of Neurophysiology 1993 8283200 1092 No 3D reconstructions  
DG (e) 0003 new hilar ectopic GC N = 3 count uncertain Fig 8a Martí-Subirana A, Soriano E, García-Verdugo JM Morphological aspects of the ectopic granule-like cellular populations in the albino rat hippocampal formation: a Golgi study Journal of Anatomy 1986 2447048 1044 Not yet in database  
DG (i) 3332 TML-like N = 1 N = 1 Fig S11A Hsu TT, Lee CT, Tai MH, Lien CC Differential Recruitment of Dentate Gyrus Interneuron Types by Commissural Versus Perforant Pathways Cerebral Cortex 2016 26045570 1076 NMO_49355  
DG (i) 3300 VIP-SM N = 1 N = 1 (IS?) Fig 5_left Hajos N, Acsady L, Freund TF Target selectivity and neurochemical characteristics of VIP-immunoreactive interneurons in the rat dentate gyrus European Journal of Neuroscience 1996 8758949 1024 Not yet in database  
DG (i) 3300 ML-like N = 1 N = 1 Fig 2B_M4_left, S6A Hosp JA, Strüber M, Yanagawa Y, Obata K, Vida I, Jonas P, Bartos M Morpho-physiological criteria divide dentate gyrus interneurons into classes Hippocampus 2014 24108530 1024 NMO_34296  
DG (i) 3200 ML-like N = 1 N = 1 Fig 3H Hsu TT, Lee CT, Tai MH, Lien CC Differential Recruitment of Dentate Gyrus Interneuron Types by Commissural Versus Perforant Pathways Cerebral Cortex 2016 26045570 1078 NMO_49354  
DG (i) 3100p-CA1_3000 IS-1 projecting N = 1  N = 1 Fig 2B Gulyás AI, Hájos N, Freund TF Interneurons containing calretinin are specialized to control other interneurons in the rat hippocampus Journal of Neuroscience 1996 8627375 1016 No 3D reconstructions  
DG (i) 3002p-CA3_00020-Sub_100 SPI N = 1 N = 1 Fig 3C Ceranik K, Bender R, Geiger JR, Monyer H, Jonas P, Frotscher M, Lübke J A novel type of GABAergic interneuron connecting the input and the output regions of the hippocampus Journal of Neuroscience 1997 9204922 1081 No 3D reconstructions  
DG (i) 3000 NGF split off from MOPP-NGFs N > 1 not yet enough evidence to support a split N/A Armstrong C, Szabadics J, Tamás G, Soltesz I Neurogliaform cells in the molecular layer of the dentate gyrus as feed-forward GABAergic modulators of entorhino-hippocampal interplay Journal of Comparative Neurology 2011 21452204      
DG (i) 2313p-CA3_03000-CA1_2000 IS-3 projecting N = 1 N = 1 Fig 2 Cell#1 Hajos N, Acsady L, Freund TF Target selectivity and neurochemical characteristics of VIP-immunoreactive interneurons in the rat dentate gyrus European Journal of Neuroscience 1996 8758949 1017 Not yet in database  
DG (i) 2303 non-FS interneuron N = 1  N = 1 Fig 1D1 Liu YC, Cheng JK, Lien CC Rapid dynamic changes of dendritic inhibition in the dentate gyrus by presynaptic activity patterns Journal of Neuroscience 2014 24453325 1060 NMO_33280  
DG (i) 2222 Multipolar aspiny hilar cell N =1  only dendrites Figs 5A-D Scharfman HE Dentate hilar cells with dendrites in the molecular layer have lower thresholds for synaptic activation by perforant path than granule cells Journal of Neuroscience 1991 2045880 1073 No 3D reconstructions  
DG (i) 2210 new possible BC N = 1 Fig S4 may be incomplete Fig S4 Markwardt SJ, Dieni CV, Wadiche JI, Overstreet-Wadiche L Ivy/neurogliaform interneurons coordinate activity in the neurogenic niche Nature Neuroscience 2011 21983681 1063 Not in archive  
DG (i) 2203 dendritic targeting N = 1 N = 1 N/A Liu YC, Cheng JK, Lien CC Rapid dynamic changes of dendritic inhibition in the dentate gyrus by presynaptic activity patterns Journal of Neuroscience 2014 24453325 1097 NMO_33273  
DG (i) 2202 Spiny hilar cell N = 1  only dendrites Figs 2A-D Scharfman HE Dentate hilar cells with dendrites in the molecular layer have lower thresholds for synaptic activation by perforant path than granule cells Journal of Neuroscience 1991 2045880 1071 No 3D reconstructions  
DG (i) 2013 SG IS-3 N = 1 N = 1 Fig 2 Cell#2 Hajos N, Acsady L, Freund TF Target selectivity and neurochemical characteristics of VIP-immunoreactive interneurons in the rat dentate gyrus European Journal of Neuroscience 1996 8758949 1018 Not yet in database  
DG (i) 2001 IS-3 N = 1 N = 1 Fig 2 Cell#3 Hajos N, Acsady L, Freund TF Target selectivity and neurochemical characteristics of VIP-immunoreactive interneurons in the rat dentate gyrus European Journal of Neuroscience 1996 8758949 1019 Not yet in database  
DG (i) 1323p-CA1_1000 IML Proj N = 1 A’s and D’s hard to distinguish. Poor caption. Fig 1A Buckmaster PS, Schwartzkroin PA Physiological and morphological heterogeneity of dentate gyrus-hilus interneurons in the gerbil hippocampus in vivo European Journal of Neuroscience 1995 8542057 1088 Not yet in database  
DG (i) 1220 OML N = 1  N = 1 Fig 5D1-2 Mott DD, Turner DA, Okazaki MM, Lewis DV Interneurons of the dentate-hilus border of the rat dentate gyrus: morphological and electrophysiological heterogeneity Journal of Neuroscience 1997 9151716 1034 NMO_00144  
DG (i) 1123p-CA3_11000-CA2_1000-CA1_1000-Sub_110 SHI projecting N = 1 N = 1 Fig 4B Buckmaster PS, Yamawaki R, Zhang GF Axon arbors and synaptic connections of a vulnerable population of interneurons in the dentate gyrus in vivo Journal of Comparative Neurology 2002 11920713 1085 Not yet in database  
DG (i) 1112p-CA3_01111 SSI N = 1 N = 1 Fig 3A Buckmaster PS, Schwartzkroin PA Physiological and morphological heterogeneity of dentate gyrus-hilus interneurons in the gerbil hippocampus in vivo European Journal of Neuroscience 1995 8542057 1087 Not yet in database  
DG (i) 1102p-CA1-1000-Sub_100 SHI Proj N = 1 N = 1 Fig 4C Buckmaster PS, Yamawaki R, Zhang GF Axon arbors and synaptic connections of a vulnerable population of interneurons in the dentate gyrus in vivo Journal of Comparative Neurology 2002 11920713 1089 Not yet in database  
DG (i) 1100  Ivy/neurogliaform N = 1 axons only Fig 2b Markwardt SJ, Dieni CV, Wadiche JI, Overstreet-Wadiche L Ivy/neurogliaform interneurons coordinate activity in the neurogenic niche Nature Neuroscience 2011 21983681 1069 NMO_10844  
DG (i) 0333p-CA3_0030 DG hilar proj N = 1 N = 1 Fig S1E Szabo GG, Du X, Oijala M, Varga C, Parent JM, Soltesz I Extended Interneuronal Network of the Dentate Gyrus Cell Reports 2017 28793251 1099    
DG (i) 0333 Ivy/neurogliaform N = 1 N = 1 Fig 1e Markwardt SJ1, Dieni CV, Wadiche JI, Overstreet-Wadiche L Ivy/neurogliaform interneurons coordinate activity in the neurogenic niche Nature Neuroscience 2011 21983681 1045 NMO_10845  
DG (i) 0333 Ivy/neurogliaform N = 1 Same as Markwardt Fig 1E Fig 2C Dieni CV1, Chancey JH, Overstreet-Wadiche LS Dynamic functions of GABA signaling during granule cell maturation Frontiers in Neural Circuits 2013 23316139 1045 Not yet in database  
DG (i) 0332 IML N = 1 N = 1 Fig 3C Mott DD, Turner DA, Okazaki MM, Lewis DV Interneurons of the dentate-hilus border of the rat dentate gyrus: morphological and electrophysiological heterogeneity Journal of Neuroscience 1997 9151716 1083 NMO_00177  
DG (i) 0332 IML N = 1 Same as Mott 1997 Fig 1A Mott DD, Li Q, Okazaki MM, Turner DA, Lewis DV GABAB-Receptor-mediated currents in interneurons of the dentate-hilus border Journal of Neurophysiology 1999 10482760 1083 No 3D reconstructions  
DG (i) 0232 perisoma-inhibiting interneuron N = 1  N = 1 Fig 1A Sauer JF, Strüber M, Bartos M Interneurons provide circuit-specific depolarization and hyperpolarization Journal of Neuroscience 2012 22442084 1065 Not yet in database  
DG (i) 0222 Aspiny fusiform hilar cell N = 1  only dendrites Figs 6A-C Scharfman HE Dentate hilar cells with dendrites in the molecular layer have lower thresholds for synaptic activation by perforant path than granule cells Journal of Neuroscience 1991 2045880 1074 No 3D reconstructions  
DG (i) 0030p-CA3_00010 atypical basket N = 1  Axons only Fig 10A Sik A, Penttonen M, Buzsáki G Interneurons in the hippocampal dentate gyrus: an in vivo intracellular study European Journal of Neuroscience 1997 9104599 1066 Not yet in database  
DG (i) 0003 chandelier N = 1  N = 1 Fig 6A Martínez A, Lübke J, Del Río JA, Soriano E, Frotscher M Regional variability and postsynaptic targets of chandelier cells in the hippocampal formation of the rat J Comp Neurol 1996 8946282 1067 Not yet in database  
DG (i) 0003 H IS-3 N = 1 N = 1 Fig 3 Cell1 Hajos N, Acsady L, Freund TF Target selectivity and neurochemical characteristics of VIP-immunoreactive interneurons in the rat dentate gyrus European Journal of Neuroscience 1996 8758949 1020 Not yet in database  
DG (i) 0002 Spiny hilar cell N = 1  only dendrites Figs 4A-B Scharfman HE Dentate hilar cells with dendrites in the molecular layer have lower thresholds for synaptic activation by perforant path than granule cells Journal of Neuroscience 1991 2045880 1072 No 3D reconstructions  
CA3 (e) 33331p-CA1_1000 PC N = 1 N = 1 Fig 3 Finch DM, Nowlin NL, Babb TL Demonstration of axonal projections of neurons in the rat hippocampus and subiculum by intracellular injection of HRP Brain Research 1983 6616174 2113 Not yet in database  
CA3 (e) 30000 Cajal-Retzius   animals too young Fig 4a1 Anstötz M, Cosgrove KE, Hack I, Mugnaini E, Maccaferri G, Lübke JH Morphology, input-output relations and synaptic connectivity of Cajal-Retzius cells in layer 1 of the developing neocortex of CXCR4-EGFP mice Brain Structure and Function 2014 24026287 2055 Authors contacted  
CA3 (e) 22011 RGC N = 3 N = 3 of 10, so not enough to split off another neuron type Fig 1A-B Savić N, Sciancalepore M Electrophysiological characterization of "giant" cells in stratum radiatum of the CA3 hippocampal region J Neurophysiol 2001 11353016 2002 No 3D reconstructions  
CA3 (e) 20000 Cajal-Retzius   dendrites only Fig 1 Quattrocolo G, Maccaferri G Optogenetic activation of cajal-retzius cells reveals their glutamatergic output and a novel feedforward circuit in the developing mouse hippocampus Journal of Neuroscience 2014 25253849 2101 No 3D reconstructions  
CA3 (e) 02100 CA3c Displaced Horizontal Pyramidal N = 1 N = 1 Fig 5A Turner DA, Li XG, Pyapali GK, Ylinen A, Buzsaki G Morphometric and electrical properties of reconstructed hippocampal CA3 neurons recorded in vivo Journal of Comparative Neurology 1995 7560268 2122 NMO_00585  
CA3 (i) 33020 perforant-path-associated cell (CB1+) N = 1 N = 1 Fig 4D_right Szabó GG, Papp OI, Máté Z, Szabó G, Hájos N Anatomically heterogeneous populations of CB1 cannabinoid receptor-expressing interneurons in the CA3 region of the hippocampus show homogeneous input-output characteristics Hippocampus 2014 25044969 2057 No 3D reconstructions  
CA3 (i) 33000-DG 1100-CA2 3000 B74a new misc interneuron N = 1 N = 1 Fig 5A; Table 1 Lasztóczi B, Tukker JJ, Somogyi P, Klausberger T Terminal field and firing selectivity of cholecystokinin-expressing interneurons in the hippocampal CA3 area Journal of Neuroscience 2011 22159120 2058 Authors contacted  
CA3 (i) 33000 CA3 Lacunosum Moleculare-Radiatum N = 1 N = 1   Ascoli GA , Brown KM, Calixto E, Card JP, Galván EJ, Perez-Rosello T, Barrionuevo G Quantitative morphometry of electrophysiologically identified CA3b interneurons reveals robust local geometry and distinct cell classes Journal of Comparative Neurology 2009 19496174 2124 NMO_05531  
CA3 (i) 32000 perforant-path-associated cell (CB1+) N = 1 N = 1 Fig 3D Szabó GG, Papp OI, Máté Z, Szabó G, Hájos N Anatomically heterogeneous populations of CB1 cannabinoid receptor-expressing interneurons in the CA3 region of the hippocampus show homogeneous input-output characteristics Hippocampus 2014 25044969 2060 No 3D reconstructions  
CA3 (i) 31000p-DG_1100-CA2_3000-CA1_1000 CA3 CB1+ N = 1 N = 1 Fig 3C Szabo GG, Du X, Oijala M, Varga C, Parent JM, Soltesz I Extended Interneuronal Network of the Dentate Gyrus Cell Reports 2017 28793251 2130 Not yet in database  
CA3 (i) 31000 CA3 LM-LMR N = 1 N = 1   Ascoli GA , Brown KM, Calixto E, Card JP, Galván EJ, Perez-Rosello T, Barrionuevo G Quantitative morphometry of electrophysiologically identified CA3b interneurons reveals robust local geometry and distinct cell classes Journal of Comparative Neurology 2009 19496174 2123 NMO_05524  
CA3 (i) 30000 SLM cell N = 1 N = 1 Fig 8H Tricoire L, Pelkey KA, Erkkila BE, Jeffries BW, Yuan X, McBain CJ A blueprint for the spatiotemporal origins of mouse hippocampal interneuron diversity J Neurosci 2011 21795545 2033 NMO_36077  
CA3 (i) 23333 B35b matches suspended TriC rad N = 1  N = 1 Fig 6A; Table 1 Lasztóczi B, Tukker JJ, Somogyi P, Klausberger T Terminal field and firing selectivity of cholecystokinin-expressing interneurons in the hippocampal CA3 area Journal of Neuroscience 2011 22159120 2024 Authors contacted  
CA3 (i) 23333 radial trilaminar   only evidence is a schematic and a mention in a table Fig . 17 top, Tab. 4 Freund TF, Buzsáki G Interneurons of the hippocampus Hippocampus 1996 8915675 2024 Not yet in database  
CA3 (i) 23300 new misc interneuron N = 1  Too young (P1-P7) Fig 3 SPA#1 Allene C, Picardo MA, Becq H, Miyoshi G, Fishell G, Cossart R Dynamic changes in interneuron morphophysiological properties mark the maturation of hippocampal network activity Journal of Neuroscience 2012 22573691 2061 Authors contacted  
CA3 (i) 23100 ACA cell N = 1 N = 1 Fig 8E Tricoire L, Pelkey KA, Erkkila BE, Jeffries BW, Yuan X, McBain CJ A blueprint for the spatiotemporal origins of mouse hippocampal interneuron diversity J Neurosci 2011 21795545 2034 NMO_36082  
CA3 (i) 23000p-DG_1100-CA2_2300 J45a new misc interneuron N = 1  N = 1 Fig 4A; Table 1 Lasztóczi B, Tukker JJ, Somogyi P, Klausberger T Terminal field and firing selectivity of cholecystokinin-expressing interneurons in the hippocampal CA3 area Journal of Neuroscience 2011 22159120 2062 Authors contacted  
CA3 (i) 22232p-CA2_0010-CA1_0010 BC N = 1  N = 1 Fig 6A Gulyás AI, Miles R, Hájos N, Freund TF Precision and variability in postsynaptic target selection of inhibitory cells in the hippocampal CA3 region European Journal of Neuroscience 1993 8124523 2063 Not yet in database  
CA3 (i) 22232p-CA2_0010 BC N = 1 N = 1 Fig 2A Tukker JJ, Lasztóczi B, Katona L, Roberts JD, Pissadaki EK, Dalezios Y, Márton L, Zhang L, Klausberger T, Somogyi P Distinct dendritic arborization and in vivo firing patterns of parvalbumin-expressing basket cells in the hippocampal area CA3 Journal of Neuroscience 2013 23595740 2117 NMO_10717  
CA3 (i) 22230 fast-spiking basket N = 1 SR-SLM boundary is missing; N = 1 Fig 2A Szabadics J, Soltesz I Functional specificity of mossy fiber innervation of GABAergic cells in the hippocampus Journal of Neuroscience 2009 19339618 2088 Not yet in database  
CA3 (i) 22200 New misc interneuron N = 1  dendrites only; too young (P1-P7) Fig 3 SPA#2 Allene C, Picardo MA, Becq H, Miyoshi G, Fishell G, Cossart R Dynamic changes in interneuron morphophysiological properties mark the maturation of hippocampal network activity Journal of Neuroscience 2012 22573691 2103 Authors contacted  
CA3 (i) 21113 new misc interneuron N = 1 Too young (P1-P7) Fig 3 SPA#3 Allene C, Picardo MA, Becq H, Miyoshi G, Fishell G, Cossart R Dynamic changes in interneuron morphophysiological properties mark the maturation of hippocampal network activity Journal of Neuroscience 2012 22573691 2064 Authors contacted  
CA3 (i) 13333p new misc interneuron N = 1  Too young (P1-P7) Fig 3 SPA#6 Allene C, Picardo MA, Becq H, Miyoshi G, Fishell G, Cossart R Dynamic changes in interneuron morphophysiological properties mark the maturation of hippocampal network activity Journal of Neuroscience 2012 22573691 2066 Authors contacted  
CA3 (i) 13310p-DG_0001 CA3 SOM+ Proj N = 1 N = 1 Fig S2E Szabo GG, Du X, Oijala M, Varga C, Parent JM, Soltesz I Extended Interneuronal Network of the Dentate Gyrus Cell Reports 2017 28793251 2132    
CA3 (i) 13222 dendritic-layer-innervating (CB1+) N = 1 N = 1 Fig 4C_middle Szabó GG, Papp OI, Máté Z, Szabó G, Hájos N Anatomically heterogeneous populations of CB1 cannabinoid receptor-expressing interneurons in the CA3 region of the hippocampus show homogeneous input-output characteristics Hippocampus 2014 25044969 2067 No 3D reconstructions  
CA3 (i) 13200 new misc interneuron N = 1  Too young (P1-P7) Fig 3 GDP#2 Allene C, Picardo MA, Becq H, Miyoshi G, Fishell G, Cossart R Dynamic changes in interneuron morphophysiological properties mark the maturation of hippocampal network activity Journal of Neuroscience 2012 22573691 2068 Authors contacted  
CA3 (i) 13001p-DG_1001 dendritic-layer-innervating (CB1+) N = 1 N = 1 Fig 4C_right Szabó GG, Papp OI, Máté Z, Szabó G, Hájos N Anatomically heterogeneous populations of CB1 cannabinoid receptor-expressing interneurons in the CA3 region of the hippocampus show homogeneous input-output characteristics Hippocampus 2014 25044969 2069 No 3D reconstructions  
CA3 (i) 13000 perforant-path-associated cell (CB1+) N = 1 N = 1 Fig 4D_left Szabó GG, Papp OI, Máté Z, Szabó G, Hájos N Anatomically heterogeneous populations of CB1 cannabinoid receptor-expressing interneurons in the CA3 region of the hippocampus show homogeneous input-output characteristics Hippocampus 2014 25044969 2070 No 3D reconstructions  
CA3 (i) 11112 new misc interneuron N = 1  Too young (P1-P7) Fig 3 GDP#7 Allene C, Picardo MA, Becq H, Miyoshi G, Fishell G, Cossart R Dynamic changes in interneuron morphophysiological properties mark the maturation of hippocampal network activity Journal of Neuroscience 2012 22573691 2071 Authors contacted  
CA3 (i) 03333p-DG_0113 mossy-fiber-associated cell (CB1+) N = 1 N = 1 Fig 4B_right Szabó GG, Papp OI, Máté Z, Szabó G, Hájos N Anatomically heterogeneous populations of CB1 cannabinoid receptor-expressing interneurons in the CA3 region of the hippocampus show homogeneous input-output characteristics Hippocampus 2014 25044969 2072 No 3D reconstructions  
CA3 (i) 03333p-CA1_0110-Sub_010 DP cell N = 1  N = 1 Tab1,3 Jinno S, Klausberger T, Marton LF, Dalezios Y, Roberts JD, Fuentealba P, Bushong EA, Henze D, Buzsáki G, Somogyi P Neuronal diversity in GABAergic long-range projections from the hippocampus J Neurosci 2007 17699661 2025 No 3D reconstructions  
CA3 (i) 03322 Radiatum cell N = 1 N = 1 Fig 2A, Radiatum cell Hájos N1, Karlócai MR, Németh B, Ulbert I, Monyer H, Szabó G, Erdélyi F, Freund TF, Gulyás AI Input-output features of anatomically identified CA3 neurons during hippocampal sharp wave/ripple oscillation in vitro Journal of Neuroscience 2013 23843535 2076 No 3D reconstructions  
CA3 (i) 03320p-DG_1100 dendritic-layer-innervating cell (CB1+) N = 1 N = 1 Fig 3C Szabó GG, Papp OI, Máté Z, Szabó G, Hájos N Anatomically heterogeneous populations of CB1 cannabinoid receptor-expressing interneurons in the CA3 region of the hippocampus show homogeneous input-output characteristics Hippocampus 2014 25044969 2077 No 3D reconstructions  
CA3 (i) 03320 new misc interneuron N = 1  Too young (P1-P7) Fig 3 GDP#1 Allene C, Picardo MA, Becq H, Miyoshi G, Fishell G, Cossart R Dynamic changes in interneuron morphophysiological properties mark the maturation of hippocampal network activity Journal of Neuroscience 2012 22573691 2078 Authors contacted  
CA3 (i) 03222p-DG_0001 dendritic-layer-innervating (CB1+) N = 1 N = 1 Fig 4C_left Szabó GG, Papp OI, Máté Z, Szabó G, Hájos N Anatomically heterogeneous populations of CB1 cannabinoid receptor-expressing interneurons in the CA3 region of the hippocampus show homogeneous input-output characteristics Hippocampus 2014 25044969 2080 No 3D reconstructions  
CA3 (i) 03220 Stratum radiatum selective non-pyramidal cell N = 1 N = 1; lack of SLM layer line Fig11B Gulyás AI, Miles R, Hájos N, Freund TF Precision and variability in postsynaptic target selection of inhibitory cells in the hippocampal CA3 region Eur J Neurosci 1993 8124523 2111 Not yet in database  
CA3 (i) 03000p-DG_2001 VIP-positive neuron N = 1 N = 1 Fig 2_cell#4 Hajos N, Acsady L, Freund TF Target selectivity and neurochemical characteristics of VIP-immunoreactive interneurons in the rat dentate gyrus Eur J Neurosci 1996 8758949 2031 Not yet in database  
CA3 (i) 02333 CA3 MFA N = 1 N = 1 Fig 4B_mid Szabó GG, Papp OI, Máté Z, Szabó G, Hájos N Anatomically heterogeneous populations of CB1 cannabinoid receptor-expressing interneurons in the CA3 region of the hippocampus show homogeneous input-output characteristics Hippocampus 2014 25044969 2126 No 3D reconstructions  
CA3 (i) 02332 BC CB1+ N = 1 N = 1 Fig 4A_cell#2 Szabó GG, Papp OI, Máté Z, Szabó G, Hájos N Anatomically heterogeneous populations of CB1 cannabinoid receptor-expressing interneurons in the CA3 region of the hippocampus show homogeneous input-output characteristics Hippocampus 2014 25044969 2125 No 3D reconstructions  
CA3 (i) 02322-DG_0001 mossy-fiber-associated cell (CB1+) N = 1 N = 1 Fig 4B_left Szabó GG, Papp OI, Máté Z, Szabó G, Hájos N Anatomically heterogeneous populations of CB1 cannabinoid receptor-expressing interneurons in the CA3 region of the hippocampus show homogeneous input-output characteristics Hippocampus 2014 25044969 2085 No 3D reconstructions  
CA3 (i) 02320 MFA-3 N = 1 N = 1 Fig 8C Tricoire L, Pelkey KA, Erkkila BE, Jeffries BW, Yuan X, McBain CJ A blueprint for the spatiotemporal origins of mouse hippocampal interneuron diversity J Neurosci 2011 21795545 2037 NMO_49381  
CA3 (i) 02232 new RSBC N > 1 SLM not labeled Fig 1B RSBC Szabó GG, Holderith N, Gulyás AI, Freund TF, Hájos N Distinct synaptic properties of perisomatic inhibitory cell types and their different modulation by cholinergic receptor activation in the CA3 region of the mouse hippocampus European Journal of Neuroscience 2010 20529124 2084 Not yet in database  
CA3 (i) 02232 CA3 AA N = 1 N = 1 Fig 2H Ishino Y, Yetman MJ, Sossi SM, Steinecke A, Hayano Y, Taniguchi H Regional Cellular Environment Shapes Phenotypic Variations of Hippocampal and Neocortical Chandelier Cells Journal of Neuroscience 2017 28912162 2120 Not yet in database  
CA3 (i) 02230 new misc interneuron N = 1 Too young (P1-P7) Fig 3 SPA#9 Allene C, Picardo MA, Becq H, Miyoshi G, Fishell G, Cossart R Dynamic changes in interneuron morphophysiological properties mark the maturation of hippocampal network activity Journal of Neuroscience 2012 22573691 2089 Authors contacted  
CA3 (i) 02220 new misc interneuron   dendrites only; too young (P1-P7) Fig 3 SPA#4 Allene C, Picardo MA, Becq H, Miyoshi G, Fishell G, Cossart R Dynamic changes in interneuron morphophysiological properties mark the maturation of hippocampal network activity Journal of Neuroscience 2012 22573691 2104 Authors contacted  
CA3 (i) 02220 new misc interneuron   dendrites only; too young (P1-P7) Fig 3 GDP#4 Allene C, Picardo MA, Becq H, Miyoshi G, Fishell G, Cossart R Dynamic changes in interneuron morphophysiological properties mark the maturation of hippocampal network activity Journal of Neuroscience 2012 22573691 2104 Authors contacted  
CA3 (i) 02200 RL CB cell   Dendrites only Fig 3B N4 N5 Tóth K, Freund TF Calbindin D28k-containing nonpyramidal cells in the rat hippocampus: their immunoreactivity for GABA and projection to the medial septum Neuroscience 1992 1279455 2018 Not yet in database  
CA3 (i) 02130 RSBC (CCK+) N = 1 N = 1 Fig 4B Szabadics J, Varga C, Brunner J, Chen K, Soltesz I Granule cells in the CA3 area J Neurosci 2010 20554881 2041 No 3D reconstructions  
CA3 (i) 02012 MGE basket cell N = 1 SLM_SL not labeled Fig 2A Craig MT, McBain CJ Fast gamma oscillations are generated intrinsically in CA1 without the involvement of fast-spiking basket cells Journal of Neuroscience 2015 25716860 2091 NMO_49377  
CA3 (i) 02012 new FSBC N > 1 SLM_SL not labeled Fig 1B FSBC Szabó GG, Holderith N, Gulyás AI, Freund TF, Hájos N Distinct synaptic properties of perisomatic inhibitory cell types and their different modulation by cholinergic receptor activation in the CA3 region of the mouse hippocampus European Journal of Neuroscience 2010 20529124 2091 Not yet in database  
CA3 (i) 01330 new N = 1  N = 1 Fig 1D Martínez A, Ruiz M, Soriano E Spiny calretinin-immunoreactive neurons in the hilus and CA3 region of the rat hippocampus: local axon circuits, synaptic connections, and glutamic acid decarboxylase 65/67 mRNA expression Journal of Comparative Neurology 1999 9987989 2092 Not yet in database  
CA3 (i) 01113p-DG_0003 trilaminar interneuron N = 1  N = 1 Fig 7A Sik A, Penttonen M, Buzsáki G Interneurons in the hippocampal dentate gyrus: an in vivo intracellular study European Journal of Neuroscience 1997 9104599 2093 Not yet in database  
CA3 (i) 01111 bistratified N = 1  Axons only Fig 4E Freund TF, Buzsáki G Interneurons of the hippocampus Hippocampus 1996 8915675 2079 Not yet in database  
CA3 (i) 01003 oriens-radiatum N = 1  N = 1 Fig 2A Hájos N, Karlócai MR, Németh B, Ulbert I, Monyer H, Szabó G, Erdélyi F, Freund TF, Gulyás AI Input-output features of anatomically identified CA3 neurons during hippocampal sharp wave/ripple oscillation in vitro J Neurosci 2013 23843535 2094 No 3D reconstructions  
CA3 (i) 00310p-DG_0010 fast-spiking basket N = 1  N = 1 Fig 2C Szabadics J, Soltesz I Functional specificity of mossy fiber innervation of GABAergic cells in the hippocampus Journal of Neuroscience 2009 19339618 2073 Not yet in database  
CA3 (i) 00221 SCN N = 1 N = 1 Fig 1C Martínez A, Ruiz M, Soriano E Spiny calretinin-immunoreactive neurons in the hilus and CA3 region of the rat hippocampus: local axon circuits, synaptic connections, and glutamic acid decarboxylase 65/67 mRNA expression Journal of Comparative Neurology 1999 9987989 2119 Not yet in database  
CA3 (i) 00210 SCN N = 1  N = 1 Fig 1E Martínez A, Ruiz M, Soriano E Spiny calretinin-immunoreactive neurons in the hilus and CA3 region of the rat hippocampus: local axon circuits, synaptic connections, and glutamic acid decarboxylase 65/67 mRNA expression Journal of Comparative Neurology 1999 9987989 2095 Not yet in database  
CA3 (i) 00200 SLC N = 1 Dendrites only Fig 4A Szabadics J, Varga C, Brunner J, Chen K, Soltesz I Granule cells in the CA3 area J Neurosci 2010 20554881 2109 No 3D reconstructions  
CA3 (i) 00032 CA3 AA N = 1 N = 1 Fig 2Aii Oren I, Mann EO, Paulsen O, Hájos N Synaptic currents in anatomically identified CA3 neurons during hippocampal gamma oscillations in vitro Journal of Neuroscience 2006 17005856 2128    
CA3 (i) 00031 perisomatic targeting fast spiking interneuron N = 1 N = 1 Fig 6A Heistek TS1, Ruiperez-Alonso M, Timmerman AJ, Brussaard AB, Mansvelder HD α2-containing GABAA receptors expressed in hippocampal region CA3 control fast network oscillations Journal of Physiology 2013 23109109 2112 NMO_10658  
CA3 (i) 00030p-DG_2232 CA3 AA proj N = 1 N = 1 Fig 3A Szabo GG, Du X, Oijala M, Varga C, Parent JM, Soltesz I Extended Interneuronal Network of the Dentate Gyrus Cell Reports 2017 28793251 2129 Not yet in database  
CA3 (i) 00030p-DG_2223 CA3 AA proj N = 1 N = 1 Fig S2A_left Szabo GG, Du X, Oijala M, Varga C, Parent JM, Soltesz I Extended Interneuronal Network of the Dentate Gyrus Cell Reports 2017 28793251 2131 Not yet in database  
CA3 (i) 00022 new misc interneuron   dendrites only; too young (P1-P7) Fig 3 SPA#5 Allene C, Picardo MA, Becq H, Miyoshi G, Fishell G, Cossart R Dynamic changes in interneuron morphophysiological properties mark the maturation of hippocampal network activity Journal of Neuroscience 2012 22573691 2105 Authors contacted  
CA3 (i) 00020 new misc interneuron   dendrites only; too young (P1-P7) Fig 3 GDP#8 Allene C, Picardo MA, Becq H, Miyoshi G, Fishell G, Cossart R Dynamic changes in interneuron morphophysiological properties mark the maturation of hippocampal network activity Journal of Neuroscience 2012 22573691 2106 Authors contacted  
CA3 (i) 00010p-DG 2222 new oddball AA N = 1 N = 1 Fig 2B, axons in Figs 3C-F Buhl EH, Han ZS, Lörinczi Z, Stezhka VV, Karnup SV, Somogyi P Physiological properties of anatomically identified axo-axonic cells in the rat hippocampus Journal of Neurophysiology 1994 8035215 2108 No 3D reconstructions  
CA3 (i) 00002 new misc interneuron   dendrites only; too young (P1-P7) Fig 3 GDP#9 Allene C, Picardo MA, Becq H, Miyoshi G, Fishell G, Cossart R Dynamic changes in interneuron morphophysiological properties mark the maturation of hippocampal network activity Journal of Neuroscience 2012 22573691 2107 Authors contacted  
CA2 (e) 3000 Cajal-Retzius   animals too young Fig 4a1 Anstötz M, Cosgrove KE, Hack I, Mugnaini E, Maccaferri G, Lübke JH Morphology, input-output relations and synaptic connectivity of Cajal-Retzius cells in layer 1 of the developing neocortex of CXCR4-EGFP mice Brain Structure and Function 2014 24026287 3009 Authors contacted  
CA2 (e) 2000 Cajal-Retzius   dendrites only Fig 1 Quattrocolo G, Maccaferri G Optogenetic activation of cajal-retzius cells reveals their glutamatergic output and a novel feedforward circuit in the developing mouse hippocampus Journal of Neuroscience 2014 25253849 3018 No 3D reconstructions  
CA2 (i) 0333p-CA3_02000-CA1_0103 new wide BiC N = 1 N = 1 Fig 2C1 Mercer A, Botcher NA, Eastlake K, Thomson AM SP-SR interneurones: a novel class of neurones of the CA2 region of the hippocampus Hippocampus 2012 22431345 3010 Not yet in database 73304
CA2 (i) 0333p-CA1_0001 new narrow BiC N = 1 N = 1 Fig 2B1 Mercer A, Botcher NA, Eastlake K, Thomson AM SP-SR interneurones: a novel class of neurones of the CA2 region of the hippocampus Hippocampus 2012 22431345 3011 Not yet in database 73304
CA2 (i) 0332 new SP-SR N = 1 N = 1 Fig 2A1 Mercer A, Botcher NA, Eastlake K, Thomson AM SP-SR interneurones: a novel class of neurones of the CA2 region of the hippocampus Hippocampus 2012 22431345 3012 Not yet in database 73304
CA2 (i) 0322 new SP-SR N = 1 N = 1 Fig 1C Mercer A, Botcher NA, Eastlake K, Thomson AM SP-SR interneurones: a novel class of neurones of the CA2 region of the hippocampus Hippocampus 2012 22431345 3013 Not yet in database 73304
CA2 (i) 0300p-CA3_02000 CA2 R Projection N = 1 N = 1 Fig 1_top_right Mercer A, Thomson AM Cornu Ammonis Regions-Antecedents of Cortical Layers? Frontiers in Neuroanatomy 2017 29018334 3019 Not yet in database  
CA2 (i) 0122 new SP-SR N = 1 N = 1 Fig 1B Mercer A, Botcher NA, Eastlake K, Thomson AM SP-SR interneurones: a novel class of neurones of the CA2 region of the hippocampus Hippocampus 2012 22431345 3014 Not yet in database 73304
CA2 (i) 0102p-DG_0001 NADPH-diaphorase+ cell N = 1 N = 1 Fig 1A Sik A, Ylinen A, Penttonen M, Buzsáki G Inhibitory CA1-CA3-hilar region feedback in the hippocampus Science 1994 8085161 3015 Not yet in database  
CA2 (i) 0003p-CA3_00003-CA1_0003-Sub_010 O-Bi N = 1  N = 1 Fig 5D Losonczy A, Zhang L, Shigemoto R, Somogyi P, Nusser Z Cell type dependence and variability in the short-term plasticity of EPSCs in identified mouse hippocampal interneurones Journal of Physiology 2002 12096061 3016 No 3D reconstructions  
CA2 (i)   misc interneurons   dendrites only Figs4-11 Botcher NA, Falck JE, Thomson AM, Mercer A Distribution of interneurons in the CA2 region of the rat hippocampus Frontiers in Neuroanatomy 2014 25309345   Not yet in database  
CA1 (e) 3000p-DG_2000 Cajal-Retzius Proj N = 1 N = 1 Fig S1 Marchionni I, Takács VT, Nunzi MG, Mugnaini E, Miller RJ, Maccaferri G Distinctive properties of CXC chemokine receptor 4-expressing Cajal-Retzius cells versus GABAergic interneurons of the postnatal hippocampus Journal of Physiology 2010 20547684 4155 not yet in database  
CA1 (e) 3000p-DG_1111 C-R Proj N = 1 N = 1 Fig 2A Marchionni I, Takács VT, Nunzi MG, Mugnaini E, Miller RJ, Maccaferri G Distinctive properties of CXC chemokine receptor 4-expressing Cajal-Retzius cells versus GABAergic interneurons of the postnatal hippocampus Journal of Physiology 2010 20547684 4156 not yet in database  
CA1 (e) 3000p-Sub_100-EC_000001 CA1 Cajal-Retzius Projection N = 1 N = 1 Fig 8C1_red-blue Anstötz M, Huang H, Marchionni I, Haumann I, Maccaferri G, Lübke JH Developmental Profile, Morphology, and Synaptic Connectivity of Cajal-Retzius Cells in the Postnatal Mouse Hippocampus Cerebral Cortex 2016 26582498 4180 NMO_50603  
CA1 (e) 3000p-Sub_100 CA1 Cajal-Retzius Projection N = 1 N = 1 Fig 8C1_orange-green Anstötz M, Huang H, Marchionni I, Haumann I, Maccaferri G, Lübke JH Developmental Profile, Morphology, and Synaptic Connectivity of Cajal-Retzius Cells in the Postnatal Mouse Hippocampus Cerebral Cortex 2016 26582498 4174 Not in archive  
CA1 (i) 3301 L-H-LRO N = 1 Schematic only Fig 1B, row#1, cell#1 Parra P, Gulyás AI, Miles R How many subtypes of inhibitory cells in the hippocampus? Neuron 1998 9620702 4108 Not yet in database  
CA1 (i) 3300p-DG_1100 CA1 SOM+ Proj N = 1 N = 1 Fig 3B Szabo GG, Du X, Oijala M, Varga C, Parent JM, Soltesz I Extended Interneuronal Network of the Dentate Gyrus Cell Reports 2017 28793251 4182 Not yet in database  
CA1 (i) 3300p-DG_1000 new misc interneuron N = 1 N = 1 Fig 7B McQuiston AR, Madison DV Muscarinic receptor activity has multiple effects on the resting membrane potentials of CA1 hippocampal interneurons Journal of Neuroscience 1999 10407010 4109 Authors contacted  
CA1 (i) 3200p-CA3_10000 RRP-CA3 N = 1 N = 1 Tab. 1,2 Jinno S, Klausberger T, Marton LF, Dalezios Y, Roberts JD, Fuentealba P, Bushong EA, Henze D, Buzsáki G, Somogyi P Neuronal diversity in GABAergic long-range projections from the hippocampus J Neurosci 2007 17699661 4042 No 3D reconstructions  
CA1 (i) 3200p-SUB_100 RRP-SUB N = 1 N = 1 Fig 3, Tab. 1,2 Jinno S, Klausberger T, Marton LF, Dalezios Y, Roberts JD, Fuentealba P, Bushong EA, Henze D, Buzsáki G, Somogyi P Neuronal diversity in GABAergic long-range projections from the hippocampus J Neurosci 2007 17699661 4043 No 3D reconstructions  
CA1 (i) 3111 cholinergic   no citations present a complete cell Fig 7C Houser CR, Crawford GD, Barber RP, Salvaterra PM, Vaughn JE Organization and morphological characteristics of cholinergic neurons: an immunocytochemical study with a monoclonal antibody to choline acetyltransferase Brain Res 1983 6850348 4007    
CA1 (i) 3111 cholinergic   no citations present a complete cell Fig 2 bottom right Levey AI, Wainer BH, Rye DB, Mufson EJ, Mesulam MM Choline acetyltransferase-immunoreactive neurons intrinsic to rodent cortex and distinction from acetylcholinesterase-positive neurons Neuroscience 1984 6514183 4007    
CA1 (i) 3111 cholinergic   no citations present a complete cell Fig 1cde Frotscher M, Léránth C Cholinergic innervation of the rat hippocampus as revealed by choline acetyltransferase immunocytochemistry: a combined light and electron microscopic study J Comp Neurol 1985 4044938 4007    
CA1 (i) 3111 cholinergic   no citations present a complete cell Fig 3 Frotscher M, Schlander M, Léránth C Cholinergic neurons in the hippocampus. A combined light- and electron-microscopic immunocytochemical study in the rat Cell Tissue Res 1986 3779810 4007    
CA1 (i) 3111 cholinergic   no citations present a complete cell Fig 2B Matthews DA, Salvaterra PM, Crawford GD, Houser CR, Vaughn JE An immunocytochemical study of choline acetyltransferase-containing neurons and axon terminals in normal and partially deafferented hippocampal formation Brain Res 1987 3548884 4007    
CA1 (i) 3111 cholinergic   no citations present a complete cell Fig 2CD Blaker SN, Armstrong DM, Gage FH Cholinergic neurons within the rat hippocampus: response to fimbria-fornix transection J Comp Neurol 1988 3385020 4007    
CA1 (i) 3111 cholinergic   no citations present a complete cell   Gulyás AI, Acsády L, Freund TF Structural basis of the cholinergic and serotonergic modulation of GABAergic neurons in the hippocampus Neurochem Int 1999 10397363 4007    
CA1 (i) 3111 cholinergic   no citations present a complete cell   Freund TF, Buzsáki G Interneurons of the hippocampus Hippocampus 1996 8915675 4007    
CA1 (i) 3111 cholinergic   no citations present a complete cell Fig 1 Klausberger T, Somogyi P Neuronal diversity and temporal dynamics: the unity of hippocampal circuit operations Science 2008 18599766 4007    
CA1 (i) 3111 cholinergic   no citations present a complete cell Fig 15-2 Somogyi P Hippocampus: Instrinsic Organization Handbook of Brain Microcircuits 2010 978-0195389883 4007    
CA1 (i) 3100p-DG_0110 RADI N = 1 N = 1 Fig 8AB Fuentealba P, Klausberger T, Karayannis T, Suen WY, Huck J, Tomioka R, Rockland K, Capogna M, Studer M, Morales M, Somogyi P Expression of COUP-TFII nuclear receptor in restricted GABAergic neuronal populations in the adult rat hippocampus J Neurosci 2010 20130170 4008 Not yet in database  
CA1 (i) 3100 CB-PPA   weak to non-existent axonal evidence   Baimbridge KG, Miller JJ Immunohistochemical localization of calcium-binding protein in the cerebellum, hippocampal formation and olfactory bulb of the rat Brain Res 1982 6751467 4064    
CA1 (i) 3100 CB-PPA   weak to non-existent axonal evidence Fig 3B Sloviter RS Calcium-binding protein (calbindin-D28k) and parvalbumin immunocytochemistry: localization in the rat hippocampus with specific reference to the selective vulnerability of hippocampal neurons to seizure activity J Comp Neurol 1989 2925892 4064    
CA1 (i) 3100 CB-PPA   weak to non-existent axonal evidence   Celio MR Calbindin D-28k and parvalbumin in the rat nervous system Neuroscience 1990 2199841 4064    
CA1 (i) 3100 CB-PPA   weak to non-existent axonal evidence Fig 3A N9 Tóth K, Freund TF Calbindin D28k-containing nonpyramidal cells in the rat hippocampus: their immunoreactivity for GABA and projection to the medial septum Neuroscience 1992 1279455 4064    
CA1 (i) 3100 CB-PPA   weak to non-existent axonal evidence Fig 12E, 13, Tab. 1 Pawelzik H, Hughes DI, Thomson AM Physiological and morphological diversity of immunocytochemically defined parvalbumin- and cholecystokinin-positive interneurones in CA1 of the adult rat hippocampus J Comp Neurol 2002 11807843 4064    
CA1 (i) 3000p-DG_1100 CA1 NOS+ Proj N = 1 N = 1 Fig 3D Szabo GG, Du X, Oijala M, Varga C, Parent JM, Soltesz I Extended Interneuronal Network of the Dentate Gyrus Cell Reports 2017 28793251 4183 Not yet in database  
CA1 (i) 2333 large calbindin   schematic only Fig 1 Klausberger T, Somogyi P Neuronal diversity and temporal dynamics: the unity of hippocampal circuit operations Science 2008 18599766 4014    
CA1 (i) 2333 IS3 N = 1 N = 1 Fig 2B Tyan L, Chamberland S, Magnin E, Camiré O, Francavilla R, David LS, Deisseroth K, Topolnik L Dendritic inhibition provided by interneuron-specific cells controls the firing rate and timing of the hippocampal feedback inhibitory circuitry J Neurosci 2014 24671999 4110 NMO_50489 92102
CA1 (i) 2323 ivy N = 1 N = 1 Fig 2b Lapray D, Lasztoczi B, Lagler M, Viney TJ, Katona L, Valenti O, Hartwich K, Borhegyi Z, Somogyi P, Klausberger T Behavior-dependent specialization of identified hippocampal interneurons Nat Neurosci 2012 22864613 4111 No 3D reconstructions  
CA1 (i) 2302 R-V-R N = 1 Schematic only Fig 1B, row#2, cell#3 Parra P1, Gulyás AI, Miles R How many subtypes of inhibitory cells in the hippocampus? Neuron 1998 9620702 4113 Not yet in database  
CA1 (i) 2302 SR-targeting IS-1a N = 1 N = 1 Fig 3 Cell#1 Acsády L, Arabadzisz D, Freund TF Correlated morphological and neurochemical features identify different subsets of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide-immunoreactive interneurons in rat hippocampus Neuroscience 1996 8783251 4044 No 3D reconstructions  
CA1 (i) 2301 R-S-RO N = 1 Schematic only Fig 1a, row#3 cell#1 Parra P1, Gulyás AI, Miles R How many subtypes of inhibitory cells in the hippocampus? Neuron 1998 9620702 4114 Not yet in database  
CA1 (i) 2230 BC PV+ N = 1 N = 1 Fig 2B1 Winterer J, Stempel AV, Dugladze T, Földy C, Maziashvili N, Zivkovic AR, Priller J, Soltesz I, Gloveli T, Schmitz D Cell-type-specific modulation of feedback inhibition by serotonin in the hippocampus Journal of Neuroscience 2011 21653851 4160 NMO_36206  
CA1 (i) 2223 radiatum interneuron N = 1 N = 1 Fig 2C Chamberland S, Salesse C, Topolnik D, Topolnik L Synapse-specific inhibitory control of hippocampal feedback inhibitory circuit Front Cell Neurosci 2010 21060720 4115 NMO_07896  
CA1 (i) 2211 CB1R- basket N = 1 N = 1 Fig S1a 050127016 Glickfeld LL, Scanziani M Distinct timing in the activity of cannabinoid-sensitive and cannabinoid-insensitive basket cells Nature Neuroscience 2006 16648849 4147 NMO_07343  
CA1 (i) 2112 new BC N = 1 N = 1 Fig 7AB Fuentealba P, Klausberger T, Karayannis T, Suen WY, Huck J, Tomioka R, Rockland K, Capogna M, Studer M, Morales M, Somogyi P Expression of COUP-TFII nuclear receptor in restricted GABAergic neuronal populations in the adult rat hippocampus Journal of Neuroscience 2010 20130170 4116 Not yet in database  
CA1 (i) 2112 is Fuentealba 2010 Fig 1#2 N = 1 N = 1 Fig 1#2 Capogna M Neurogliaform cells and other interneurons of stratum lacunosum-moleculare gate entorhinal-hippocampal dialogue Journal of Physiology 2011 21135049 4116 Not yet in database  
CA1 (i) 2111 trilaminar IS-1 N = 1 N = 1 Fig 3 Cell#2 Acsády L, Arabadzisz D, Freund TF Correlated morphological and neurochemical features identify different subsets of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide-immunoreactive interneurons in rat hippocampus Neuroscience 1996 8783251 4046 No 3D reconstructions  
CA1 (i) 2100 LM-SCA N = 1 N = 1 Fig 1A_blue Ali AB CB1 modulation of temporally distinct synaptic facilitation among local circuit interneurons mediated by N-type calcium channels in CA1 J Neurophysiol 2011 21123660 4117 Not yet in database  
CA1 (i) 2012 MGE-BC N = 1 N = 1 Fig 2B Craig MT, McBain CJ Fast gamma oscillations are generated intrinsically in CA1 without the involvement of fast-spiking basket cells Journal of Neuroscience 2015 25716860 4161 NMO_49376  
CA1 (i) 2001 VIP+ interneuron N = 1 N = 1 Fig 2C Chamberland S, Topolnik L Inhibitory control of hippocampal inhibitory neurons Front Neurosci 2012 23162426 4119 Not yet in database  
CA1 (i) 1323p-DG_1000 PPA CCK+ N = 1 N = 1 Fig 4AB Klausberger T, Marton LF, O'Neill J, Huck JH, Dalezios Y, Fuentealba P, Suen WY, Papp E, Kaneko T, Watanabe M, Csicsvari J, Somogyi P Complementary roles of cholecystokinin- and parvalbumin-expressing GABAergic neurons in hippocampal network oscillations Journal of Neuroscience 2005 16237182 4121 No 3D reconstructions  
CA1 (i) 1322 LM-R PPA N = 1 N = 1 Fig 2A red/green Ali AB, Todorova M Asynchronous release of GABA via tonic cannabinoid receptor activation at identified interneuron synapses in rat CA1 European Journal of Neuroscience 2010 20345910 4157 not yet in database  
CA1 (i) 1200p-DG_1100 RI N = 1 N = 1 Fig 5C Perez Y, Morin F, Lacaille JC A hebbian form of long-term potentiation dependent on mGluR1a in hippocampal inhibitory interneurons PNAS 2001 11447296 4162 no 3D reconstructions  
CA1 (i) 1200 R-LM N = 1 N = 1 Fig 1a row#2cell#1 157T2 Cossart R, Petanjek Z, Dumitriu D, Hirsch JC, Ben-Ari Y, Esclapez M, Bernard C Interneurons targeting similar layers receive synaptic inputs with similar kinetics Hippocampus 2006 16435315 4124 NMO_02336  
CA1 (i) 1113p-DG_1000 CA1 backprojection interneuron N = 1 N = 1 Fig 1A Katona L, Micklem B, Borhegyi Z, Swiejkowski DA, Valenti O, Viney TJ, Kotzadimitriou D, Klausberger T, Somogyi P Behavior-dependent activity patterns of GABAergic long-range projecting neurons in the rat hippocampus HIppocampus 2017 27997999 4175 NMO_68264  
CA1 (i) 1113p-CA3_11111 backprojection interneuron N = 1 N = 1 Fig 9A Sik A, Penttonen M, Ylinen A, Buzsáki G Hippocampal CA1 interneurons: an in vivo intracellular labeling study Journal of Neuroscience 1995 7472426 4120 Not yet in database  
CA1 (i) 1113p-CA3_01000-CA2_0101 CA1 back projection N = 1 N = 1 Fig S1_backprojection Mercer A, Thomson AM Cornu Ammonis Regions-Antecedents of Cortical Layers? Frontiers in Neuroanatomy 2017 29018334 4179 Not yet in database  
CA1 (i) 1112 O-LM N = 1 N = 1 Fig 7A left Quattrocolo G, Maccaferri G Novel GABAergic circuits mediating excitation/inhibition of Cajal-Retzius cells in the developing hippocampus J Neurosci 2013 23536064 4125 Reconstructions no longer accessible  
CA1 (i) 1002p-CA3_10000 O-LM projecting N = 1 N = 1 Fig 5A,C Svoboda KR, Adams CE, Lupica CR Opioid receptor subtype expression defines morphologically distinct classes of hippocampal interneurons J Neurosci 1999 9870941 4077 No 3D reconstructions  
CA1 (i) 0332 CA1 SO interneuron N = 1 N = 1 Fig 3c Pouille F, Scanziani M Routing of spike series by dynamic circuits in the hippocampus Nature 2004 15170216 4143 Not yet in database  
CA1 (i) 0313p-Sub_100 Stratum oriens interneuron N = 1 N = 1 Fig 2A Svoboda KR, Adams CE, Lupica CR Opioid receptor subtype expression defines morphologically distinct classes of hippocampal interneurons J Neurosci 1999 9870941 4128 No 3D reconstructions  
CA1 (i) 0310 L-H-RP N = 1 Schematic only Fig 1B, row#1, cell#4 Parra P, Gulyás AI, Miles R How many subtypes of inhibitory cells in the hippocampus? Neuron 1998 9620702 4130 Not yet in database  
CA1 (i) 0303 IS1 N = 1 N = 1 Fig 6C1 Tyan L, Chamberland S, Magnin E, Camiré O, Francavilla R, David LS, Deisseroth K, Topolnik L Dendritic inhibition provided by interneuron-specific cells controls the firing rate and timing of the hippocampal feedback inhibitory circuitry J Neurosci 2014 24671999 4131 NMO_50498  
CA1 (i) 0302 IS-1a N = 1 N = 1 Fig 3 Cell#5 Acsády L, Arabadzisz D, Freund TF Correlated morphological and neurochemical features identify different subsets of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide-immunoreactive interneurons in rat hippocampus Neuroscience 1996 8783251 4058 No 3D reconstructions  
CA1 (i) 0232 Perisomatic-inhibiting interneuron N = 1 cell type ambiguous Fig2A right Sauer JF, Strüber M, Bartos M Interneurons provide circuit-specific depolarization and hyperpolarization J Neurosci 2012 22442084 4142 Not yet in database  
CA1 (i) 0211 CA1 R-PO BC CCK+ N = 2 one cell has its dendrites cut Fig 1A Bell LA, Bell KA, McQuiston AR Activation of muscarinic receptors by ACh release in hippocampal CA1 depolarizes VIP but has varying effects on parvalbumin-expressing basket cells Journal of Physiology 2015 25556796 4170 NMO_49385  
CA1 (i) 0211 CA1 R-PO BC CCK+ N = 2 one cell has its dendrites cut Fig 2A Cope DW, Maccaferri G, Márton LF, Roberts JD, Cobden PM, Somogyi P Cholecystokinin-immunopositive basket and Schaffer collateral-associated interneurones target different domains of pyramidal cells in the CA1 area of the rat hippocampus Neuroscience 2002 11784700 4170 Not yet in database  
CA1 (i) 0210 VIP BC N = 1 N = 1 Fig 1A Bell LA, Bell KA, McQuiston AR Activation of muscarinic receptors by ACh release in hippocampal CA1 depolarizes VIP but has varying effects on parvalbumin-expressing basket cells Journal of Physiology 2015 25556796 4063 NMO_49385  
CA1 (i) 0210 Pro-CCK-immunoreactive basket N = 1 N = 1 Fig 2A Cope DW, Maccaferri G, Márton LF, Roberts JD, Cobden PM, Somogyi P Cholecystokinin-immunopositive basket and Schaffer collateral-associated interneurones target different domains of pyramidal cells in the CA1 area of the rat hippocampus Neuroscience 2002 11784700 4063 Not yet in database  
CA1 (i) 0202 bistratified calbindin N = 1 dendrites only; N = 1 Fig 3A N3 Tóth K, Freund TF Calbindin D28k-containing nonpyramidal cells in the rat hippocampus: their immunoreactivity for GABA and projection to the medial septum Neuroscience 1992 1279455 4140 Not yet in database  
CA1 (i) 0113 O-OPR N = 1 N = 1 Fig 1a_194T3 Cossart R, Petanjek Z, Dumitriu D, Hirsch JC, Ben-Ari Y, Esclapez M, Bernard C Interneurons targeting similar layers receive synaptic inputs with similar kinetics Hippocampus 2006 16435315 4135 NMO_45916  
CA1 (i) 0103p- CA3_01003-CA2_0103 O-Bi N = 1 CA2 not explicitly labeled Fig 7D Losonczy A, Zhang L, Shigemoto R, Somogyi P, Nusser Z Cell type dependence and variability in the short-term plasticity of EPSCs in identified mouse hippocampal interneurones Journal of Physiology 2002 12096061 4136 No 3D reconstructions  
CA1 (i) 0103p-CA2_0101 CA1 BP N = 1 N = 1 Fig 3B Craig MT, McBain CJ Fast gamma oscillations are generated intrinsically in CA1 without the involvement of fast-spiking basket cells Journal of Neuroscience 2015 25716860 4165 NMO_49375  
CA1 (i) 0031 CA1 perisomatic targeting fast spiking interneuron N = 1 N = 1 Fig 6A Heistek TS, Ruiperez-Alonso M, Timmerman AJ, Brussaard AB, Mansvelder HD α2-containing GABAA receptors expressed in hippocampal region CA3 control fast network oscillations Journal of Physiology 2013 23109109 4184    
CA1 (i) 0013 O-H-PO N = 1 schematic only Fig 1B_O-H-PO Parra P, Gulyás AI, Miles R. How many subtypes of inhibitory cells in the hippocampus? Neuron 1998 9620702 4137 Not yet in database  
CA1 (i) 0012p-Sub_111 H-BC N = 1 N = 1 Fig 6B Varga C, Oijala M, Lish J, Szabo GG, Bezaire M, Marchionni I, Golshani P, Soltesz I Functional fission of parvalbumin interneuron classes during fast network events eLife 2014 25375253 4138 Not in archive  
Sub (e) 300 Cajal-Retzius   animals too young Fig 4a1 Anstötz M, Cosgrove KE, Hack I, Mugnaini E, Maccaferri G, Lübke JH Morphology, input-output relations and synaptic connectivity of Cajal-Retzius cells in layer 1 of the developing neocortex of CXCR4-EGFP mice Brain Structure and Function 2014 24026287 5007 Authors contacted  
Sub (e) 231p-EC_000001 Sub PC N = 1 N = 1 Fig 8A Finch DM, Nowlin NL, Babb TL Demonstration of axonal projections of neurons in the rat hippocampus and subiculum by intracellular injection of HRP Brain Research 1983 6616174 5009 Not yet in database  
Sub (e) 223p-CA2_0001-CA1_0001 Sub PC N = 1 N = 1 Fig 6 Finch DM, Nowlin NL, Babb TL Demonstration of axonal projections of neurons in the rat hippocampus and subiculum by intracellular injection of HRP Brain Research 1983 6616174 5010 Not yet in database  
Sub (e) 030p-CA1_0101 nNOS+ PC   nNOS+ terminals found but no direct link to originating cell type Fig 1,2A, Tab. 1 Seress L, Abrahám H, Lin H, Totterdell S Nitric oxide-containing pyramidal neurons of the subiculum innervate the CA1 area Exp Brain Res 2002 12373367 5003 No 3D reconstructions  
Sub (e) 030p-CA1_1000-EC-001111 Sub PC N = 1 N = 1 Fig 9A Finch DM, Nowlin NL, Babb TL Demonstration of axonal projections of neurons in the rat hippocampus and subiculum by intracellular injection of HRP Brain Research 1983 6616174 5011 Publication not yet identified  
Sub (i) 300 PV+   authors only focused on SM Fig 2A-B Wouterlood FG, Boekel AJ, Aliane V, Beliën JA, Uylings HB, Witter MP Contacts between medial and lateral perforant pathway fibers and parvalbumin expressing neurons in the subiculum of the rat Neuroscience 2008 18789377 5006 Not yet in database  
Sub (i) 033 PV+ N = 1 N = 1 Fig 4C Losonczy A, Zhang L, Shigemoto R, Somogyi P, Nusser Z Cell type dependence and variability in the short-term plasticity of EPSCs in identified mouse hippocampal interneurones Journal of Physiology 2002 12096061 5008 No 3D reconstructions  
MEC (e) 333000 MEC LII head direction neuron N = 1 N = 1 Fig 6G Burgalossi A, Herfst L, von Heimendahl M, Förste H, Haskic K, Schmidt M, Brecht M Microcircuits of functionally identified neurons in the rat medial entorhinal cortex. Neuron 2011 21609831 6104 Not yet in database  
EC (e) 311331 EC LV PC N = 1 N = 1 Fig 1_EC5 Quilichini P, Sirota A, Buzsáki G Intrinsic circuit organization and theta-gamma oscillation dynamics in the entorhinal cortex of the rat Journal of Neuroscience 2010 20720120 6117 NMO_07253  
MEC (e) 310000 MEC LI head-direction neuron N = 1 N = 1 Fig 6A Burgalossi A, Herfst L, von Heimendahl M, Förste H, Haskic K, Schmidt M, Brecht M Microcircuits of functionally identified neurons in the rat medial entorhinal cortex. Neuron 2011 21609831 6106 Not yet in database  
EC (e) 233111p-Sub_100 aspinous LII multipolar neuron N = 1 N = 1 Fig 7ABC Tamamaki N, Nojyo Y Projection of the entorhinal layer II neurons in the rat as revealed by intracellular pressure-injection of neurobiotin Hippocampus 1993 8269038 6098 Not in archive  
LEC (e) 233010 LEC LII Pyramidal N = 1 Schematic only Fig 1a_LEC_#14 Canto CB, Wouterlood FG, Witter MP What does the anatomical organization of the entorhinal cortex tell us? Neural Plasticity 2008 18769556 6097 Not yet in database  
MEC (e) 220000 MEC LII SC N = 1 dendrites only; N = 1 Fig 7A,C van der Linden S, Lopes da Silva FH Comparison of the electrophysiology and morphology of layers III and II neurons of the rat medial entorhinal cortex in vitro European Journal of Neuroscience 1998 9749802 6099 No 3D reconstructions  
MEC (e) 213000 MEC LIII PC N = 1 N = 1 Fig 3F Burgalossi A, Herfst L, von Heimendahl M, Förste H, Haskic K, Schmidt M, Brecht M Microcircuits of functionally identified neurons in the rat medial entorhinal cortex. Neuron 2011 21609831 6100 Not yet in database  
EC (e) 202200 small multipolar (CR+) N = 1 dendrites only Fig 4Ca Wouterlood FG, van Denderen JC, van Haeften T, Witter MP Calretinin in the entorhinal cortex of the rat: distribution, morphology, ultrastructure of neurons, and co-localization with gamma-aminobutyric acid and parvalbumin Journal of Comparative Neurology 2000 10954838 6046 No 3D reconstructions  
LEC (e) 200000 small spherical multipolar (CR+) N = 1 dendrites only Fig 4B Wouterlood FG, van Denderen JC, van Haeften T, Witter MP Calretinin in the entorhinal cortex of the rat: distribution, morphology, ultrastructure of neurons, and co-localization with gamma-aminobutyric acid and parvalbumin Journal of Comparative Neurology 2000 10954838 6107 No 3D reconstructions  
MEC (e) 113310 LIII Multipolar neuron N = 1 N = 1 Fig 7A_#3 Canto CB, Witter MP Cellular Properties of Principal Neurons in the Rat Entorhinal Cortex. II. The Medial Entorhinal Cortex Hippocampus 2012 22161956 6026 Authors stopped replying  
EC (e) 030000p-CA1_1000-Sub_100 EC LII Island cell N = 1 No citations present a complete cell Fig 1B Kitamura T, Pignatelli M, Suh J, Kohara K, Yoshiki A, Abe K, Tonegawa S Island cells control temporal association memory Science 2014 24457215 6109 No 3D reconstructions  
EC (e) 030000p-CA1_1000-Sub_100 EC LII Island cell N = 1 No citations present a complete cell Fig 1M Kitamura T, Pignatelli M, Suh J, Kohara K, Yoshiki A, Abe K, Tonegawa S Island cells control temporal association memory Science 2014 24457215 6109 No 3D reconstructions  
EC (e) 030000p-CA1_1000-Sub_100 EC LII Island cell N = 1 No citations present a complete cell Fig 2A Kitamura T, Pignatelli M, Suh J, Kohara K, Yoshiki A, Abe K, Tonegawa S Island cells control temporal association memory Science 2014 24457215 6109 No 3D reconstructions  
EC (e) 030000p-CA1_1000-Sub_100 EC LII Island cell N = 1 No citations present a complete cell Fig 2B Kitamura T, Pignatelli M, Suh J, Kohara K, Yoshiki A, Abe K, Tonegawa S Island cells control temporal association memory Science 2014 24457215 6109 No 3D reconstructions  
EC (e) 030000p-CA1_1000-Sub_100 EC LII Island cell N = 1 No citations present a complete cell Fig 2F Kitamura T, Pignatelli M, Suh J, Kohara K, Yoshiki A, Abe K, Tonegawa S Island cells control temporal association memory Science 2014 24457215 6109 No 3D reconstructions  
EC (e) 030000p-CA1_1000-Sub_100 EC LII Island cell N = 1 No citations present a complete cell Fig S1A Kitamura T, Pignatelli M, Suh J, Kohara K, Yoshiki A, Abe K, Tonegawa S Island cells control temporal association memory Science 2014 24457215 6109 No 3D reconstructions  
EC (e) 030000p-CA1_1000-Sub_100 EC LII Island cell N = 1 No citations present a complete cell Fig S2H Kitamura T, Pignatelli M, Suh J, Kohara K, Yoshiki A, Abe K, Tonegawa S Island cells control temporal association memory Science 2014 24457215 6109 No 3D reconstructions  
EC (e) 030000p-CA1_1000-Sub_100 EC LII Island cell N = 1 No citations present a complete cell Fig S5A Kitamura T, Pignatelli M, Suh J, Kohara K, Yoshiki A, Abe K, Tonegawa S Island cells control temporal association memory Science 2014 24457215 6109 No 3D reconstructions  
EC (e) 030000p-CA1_1000-Sub_100 EC LII Island cell N = 1 No citations present a complete cell Fig S6E Kitamura T, Pignatelli M, Suh J, Kohara K, Yoshiki A, Abe K, Tonegawa S Island cells control temporal association memory Science 2014 24457215 6109 No 3D reconstructions  
EC (e) 030000p-CA1_1000-Sub_100 EC LII Island cell N = 1 No citations present a complete cell Fig S7C Kitamura T, Pignatelli M, Suh J, Kohara K, Yoshiki A, Abe K, Tonegawa S Island cells control temporal association memory Science 2014 24457215 6109 No 3D reconstructions  
LEC (e) 022200 large multipolar (CR+) N = 1 dendrites only Fig 4Cb Wouterlood FG, van Denderen JC, van Haeften T, Witter MP Calretinin in the entorhinal cortex of the rat: distribution, morphology, ultrastructure of neurons, and co-localization with gamma-aminobutyric acid and parvalbumin Journal of Comparative Neurology 2000 10954838 6029 No 3D reconstructions  
EC (e) 002220 LV globular N = 1 dendrites only N/A Lingenhohl K, Finch DM Morphological Characterization of Rat Entorhinal Neurons in Vivo: Soma-Dendritic Structure and Axonal Domains Exp Brain Res 1991 1713171 6050 No 3D reconstructions  
LEC (e) 002331 Globular neuron N = 1 Schematic only Fig 2b_LEC_#2 Canto CB, Wouterlood FG, Witter MP What does the anatomical organization of the entorhinal cortex tell us? Neural Plasticity 2008 18769556 6050 Not yet in database  
MEC (e) 002331 Globular neuron N = 1 Schematic only Fig 2b_MEC_#6 Canto CB, Wouterlood FG, Witter MP What does the anatomical organization of the entorhinal cortex tell us? Neural Plasticity 2008 18769556 6050 Not yet in database  
MEC (e) 002222 MEC MPN LV N = 1 Dendrites only Fig 9D Hamam BN, Kennedy TE, Alonso A, Amaral DG Morphological and electrophysiological characteristics of layer V neurons of the rat medial entorhinal cortex Journal of Comparative Neurology 2000 10713573 6077 Not yet in database  
LEC (e) 002222 LEC MPN LV N = 2 Dendrites only Fig 1A_right, Fig 8B Hamam BN, Amaral DG, Alonso AA Morphological and electrophysiological characteristics of layer V neurons of the rat lateral entorhinal cortex Journal of Comparative Neurology 2002 12209840 6077 Not yet in database  
LEC (e) 002200 large multipolar (CR+) N = 1 dendrites only Fig 4Cc Wouterlood FG, van Denderen JC, van Haeften T, Witter MP Calretinin in the entorhinal cortex of the rat: distribution, morphology, ultrastructure of neurons, and co-localization with gamma-aminobutyric acid and parvalbumin Journal of Comparative Neurology 2000 10954838 6032 No 3D reconstructions  
LEC (e) 002000 small spherical multipolar (CR+) N = 1 dendrites only Text description only Wouterlood FG, van Denderen JC, van Haeften T, Witter MP Calretinin in the entorhinal cortex of the rat: distribution, morphology, ultrastructure of neurons, and co-localization with gamma-aminobutyric acid and parvalbumin Journal of Comparative Neurology 2000 10954838 6051 No 3D reconstructions  
MEC (e) 000033 MEC LVI MPN N = 1 N = 1 Fig 4F Burgalossi A, Herfst L, von Heimendahl M, Förste H, Haskic K, Schmidt M, Brecht M Microcircuits of functionally identified neurons in the rat medial entorhinal cortex Neuron 2011 21609831 6101 Not yet in database  
MEC (i) 333111 MEC LIII non-spiny pyramidal N = 1 Schematic only Fig 1a, MEC cell#13 Canto CB, Wouterlood FG, Witter MP What does the anatomical organization of the entorhinal cortex tell us? Neural Plasticity 2008 18769556 6108 Not yet in database  
LEC (i) 223300 LEC LIII pyramidal looking interneuron N = 1 schematic only Fig 2a_LEC_#4 Canto CB, Wouterlood FG, Witter MP What does the anatomical organization of the entorhinal cortex tell us? Neural Plasticity 2008 18769556 6102 Not yet in database  
MEC (i) 223300 MEC LIII pyramidal looking interneuron N = 1 schematic only Fig 2a_MEC_#12 Canto CB, Wouterlood FG, Witter MP What does the anatomical organization of the entorhinal cortex tell us? Neural Plasticity 2008 18769556 6102 Not yet in database  
EC (i) 223111 EC LIII Bipolar N = 1 N = 1 Fig 7A Ferrante M, Tahvildari B, Duque A, Hadzipasic M, Salkoff D, Zagha EW, Hasselmo ME, McCormick DA Distinct Functional Groups Emerge from the Intrinsic Properties of Molecularly Identified Entorhinal Interneurons and Principal Cells Cerebral Cortex 2017 27269961 6114 NMO_51727  
EC (i) 222000 Type 2 cell N = 1 Dendrites only Fig 1B Gloveli T, Schmitz D, Empson RM, Dugladze T, Heinemann U Morphological and electrophysiological characterization of layer III cells of the medial entorhinal cortex of the rat Neuroscience 1997 9070741 6110 No 3D reconstructions  
EC (i) 203000 EC LIII RCan2 N = 1 N = 1 Fig 3A Ferrante M, Tahvildari B, Duque A, Hadzipasic M, Salkoff D, Zagha EW, Hasselmo ME, McCormick DA Distinct Functional Groups Emerge from the Intrinsic Properties of Molecularly Identified Entorhinal Interneurons and Principal Cells Cerebral Cortex 2017 27269961 6111 NMO_51721  
EC (i) 133331 EC LIII Multipolar N = 1 N = 1 Fig 5B Ferrante M, Tahvildari B, Duque A, Hadzipasic M, Salkoff D, Zagha EW, Hasselmo ME, McCormick DA Distinct Functional Groups Emerge from the Intrinsic Properties of Molecularly Identified Entorhinal Interneurons and Principal Cells Cerebral Cortex 2017 27269961 6116 NMO_51729  
MEC (i) 111021 MEC LV horizontal interneuron N = 1 Purely speculative schematic Fig 3 van Haeften T, Baks-te-Bulte L, Goede PH, Wouterlood FG, Witter MP Morphological and numerical analysis of synaptic interactions between neurons in deep and superficial layers of the entorhinal cortex of the rat Hippocampus 2003 14750656 6079 No 3D reconstructions  
EC (i) 033333 EC LIII Bipolar N = 1 N = 1 Fig 5A Ferrante M, Tahvildari B, Duque A, Hadzipasic M, Salkoff D, Zagha EW, Hasselmo ME, McCormick DA Distinct Functional Groups Emerge from the Intrinsic Properties of Molecularly Identified Entorhinal Interneurons and Principal Cells Cerebral Cortex 2017 27269961 6115 NMO_51728  
MEC (i) 023000 MEC LII-III chandelier N = 1 N = 1 Fig 2_#3, Fig 2B Soriano E, Martinez A, Farińas I, Frotscher M Chandelier cells in the hippocampal formation of the rat: the entorhinal area and subicular complex Journal of Comparative Neurology 1993 8276990 6076 Not yet in database  
MEC (i) 000102 MEC LVI multipolar N = 1 N = 1 Fig 1a_MEC_#12 Canto CB, Wouterlood FG, Witter MP What does the anatomical organization of the entorhinal cortex tell us? Neural Plasticity 2008 18769556 6013 Not yet in database