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Authors | Title | Journal/Book | Year | PMID/ISBN | Types |
Szabo GG, Holderith N, Gulyas AI, Freund TF, Hajos N. | Distinct synaptic properties of perisomatic inhibitory cell types and their different modulation by cholinergic receptor activation in the CA3 region of the mouse hippocampus. | Eur J Neurosci | 2010 | 20529124 | 1) CA3 Basket 2) CA3 Horizontal Axo-axonic 3) new RSBC 4) new FSBC 5) CA3 Mossy Fiber-Associated Basket CCK+* |
Szabo GG, Du X, Oijala M, Varga C, Parent JM, Soltesz I. | Extended Interneuronal Network of the Dentate Gyrus | Cell Reports | 2017 | 28793251 | 1) DG MOPP(S) 2) DG COM-MOPP* 3) DG Ivy* 4) DG Molecular Layer* 5) CA3 Perforant Path-Associated Projecting* |
Szabo GG, Farrell JS, Dudok B, Hou WH, Ortiz AL, Varga C, Moolchand P, Gulsever CI, Gschwind T, Dimidschstein J, Capogna M, Soltesz I. | Ripple-selective GABAergic projection cells in the hippocampus | Neuron | 2022 | 35489331 | 1) CA1 Interneuron Specific RO-R* |
Mendez P, Pazienti A, Szabo G, Bacci A. | Direct alteration of a specific inhibitory circuit of the hippocampus by antidepressants | Journal of Neuroscience | 2012 | 23175817 | 1) CA1 Trilayer Basket CCK+*(S) 2) CA1 R-P Basket* 3) FS CB1R- BC |
Daw MI, Tricoire L, Erdelyi F, Szabo G, McBain CJ. | Asynchronous transmitter release from cholecystokinin-containing inhibitory interneurons is widespread and target-cell independent. | J Neurosci | 2009 | 19741117 | 1) CA1 Radial Trilaminar 2) CA1 Radial Trilaminar(S) 3) CA1 Basket CCK+(S) 4) CA1 Trilayer Basket* |
Cea-del Rio CA, Lawrence JJ, Erdelyi F, Szabo G, McBain CJ. | Cholinergic modulation amplifies the intrinsic oscillatory properties of CA1 hippocampal cholecystokinin-positive interneurons. | J Physiol | 2011 | 21115639 | 1) CA1 Bistratified 2) CA1 Ivy 3) CA1 R-RO* 4) CA1 Trilayer Basket CCK+*(S) 5) CA1 Trilayer Basket CCK+* 6) CA1 LMR-R* 7) CA1 LMR-R*(S) |
Ledri M, Nikitidou L, Erdelyi F, Szabo G, Kirik D, Deisseroth K, Kokaia M. | Altered profile of basket cell afferent synapses in hyper-excitable dentate gyrus revealed by optogenetic and two-pathway stimulations. | Eur J Neurosci | 2012 | 22512307 | 1) DG MOLAX 2) DG MOLAX(S) |
Szabo GG, Papp OI, Mate Z, Szabo G, Hajos N. | Anatomically heterogeneous populations of CB1 cannabinoid receptor-expressing interneurons in the CA3 region of the hippocampus show homogeneous input-output characteristics. | Hippocampus | 2014 | 25044969 | 1) CA3 Basket CCK+(S) 2) CA3 Basket CCK+ 3) CA3 Bistratified(S) 4) perforant-path-associated cell (CB1+) 5) perforant-path-associated cell (CB1+) 6) perforant-path-associated cell (CB1+) 7) CA3 Perforant Path-Associated* 8) dendritic-layer-innervating (CB1+) 9) dendritic-layer-innervating (CB1+) 10) perforant-path-associated cell (CB1+) 11) mossy-fiber-associated cell (CB1+) 12) mossy-fiber-associated cell (CB1+) 13) dendritic-layer-innervating cell (CB1+) 14) dendritic-layer-innervating (CB1+) 15) mossy-fiber-associated cell (CB1+) 16) mossy-fiber-associated cell (CB1+) 17) Basket (CB1+) 18) axons mainly in oriens (CB1+) 19) CA3 Mossy Fiber-Associated Basket CCK+* 20) CA1 Radial Trilaminar |
Varga C, Oijala M, Lish J, Szabo GG, Bezaire M, Marchionni I, Golshani P, Soltesz I. | Functional fission of parvalbumin interneuron classes during fast network events. LID - 10.7554/eLife.04006 [doi] | Elife | 2014 | 25375253 | 1) CA1 Axo-axonic(S) 2) CA1 Basket(S) 3) CA1 Oriens-Bistratified(S) 4) CA1 Schaffer Collateral-Receiving R-Targeting 5) c-bistratified 6) H-BC |
Hajos N, Karlocai MR, Nemeth B, Ulbert I, Monyer H, Szabo G, Erdelyi F, Freund TF, Gulyas AI. | Input-output features of anatomically identified CA3 neurons during hippocampal sharp wave/ripple oscillation in vitro. | J Neurosci | 2013 | 23843535 | 1) CA3c Pyramidal(S) 2) CA3c Pyramidal 3) CA3 O-LM(S) 4) CA3 SO-SO(S) 5) CA3 Axo-axonic(S) 6) CA3 Basket(S) 7) CA3 Horizontal Basket CCK+* 8) CA3 Bilayer Ivy* 9) Radiatum cell 10) oriens-radiatum |
Gulyas AI, Szabo GG, Ulbert I, Holderith N, Monyer H, Erdelyi F, Szabo G, Freund TF, Hajos N. | Parvalbumin-containing fast-spiking basket cells generate the field potential oscillations induced by cholinergic receptor activation in the hippocampus. | J Neurosci | 2010 | 21068319 | 1) CA3 Basket CCK+ |