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Authors Title Journal/Book Year PMID/ISBN Types
Szabo GG, Holderith N, Gulyas AI, Freund TF, Hajos N. Distinct synaptic properties of perisomatic inhibitory cell types and their different modulation by cholinergic receptor activation in the CA3 region of the mouse hippocampus. Eur J Neurosci 2010 20529124 1) CA3 Basket
2) CA3 Horizontal Axo-axonic
3) new RSBC
4) new FSBC
5) CA3 Mossy Fiber-Associated Basket CCK+*
Szabo GG, Du X, Oijala M, Varga C, Parent JM, Soltesz I. Extended Interneuronal Network of the Dentate Gyrus Cell Reports 2017 28793251 1) DG MOPP(S)
3) DG Ivy*
4) DG Molecular Layer*
5) CA3 Perforant Path-Associated Projecting*
Szabo GG, Farrell JS, Dudok B, Hou WH, Ortiz AL, Varga C, Moolchand P, Gulsever CI, Gschwind T, Dimidschstein J, Capogna M, Soltesz I. Ripple-selective GABAergic projection cells in the hippocampus Neuron 2022 35489331 1) CA1 Interneuron Specific RO-R*
Mendez P, Pazienti A, Szabo G, Bacci A. Direct alteration of a specific inhibitory circuit of the hippocampus by antidepressants Journal of Neuroscience 2012 23175817 1) CA1 Trilayer Basket CCK+*(S)
2) CA1 R-P Basket*
3) FS CB1R- BC
Daw MI, Tricoire L, Erdelyi F, Szabo G, McBain CJ. Asynchronous transmitter release from cholecystokinin-containing inhibitory interneurons is widespread and target-cell independent. J Neurosci 2009 19741117 1) CA1 Radial Trilaminar
2) CA1 Radial Trilaminar(S)
3) CA1 Basket CCK+(S)
4) CA1 Trilayer Basket*
Cea-del Rio CA, Lawrence JJ, Erdelyi F, Szabo G, McBain CJ. Cholinergic modulation amplifies the intrinsic oscillatory properties of CA1 hippocampal cholecystokinin-positive interneurons. J Physiol 2011 21115639 1) CA1 Bistratified
2) CA1 Ivy
3) CA1 R-RO*
4) CA1 Trilayer Basket CCK+*(S)
5) CA1 Trilayer Basket CCK+*
6) CA1 LMR-R*
7) CA1 LMR-R*(S)
Ledri M, Nikitidou L, Erdelyi F, Szabo G, Kirik D, Deisseroth K, Kokaia M. Altered profile of basket cell afferent synapses in hyper-excitable dentate gyrus revealed by optogenetic and two-pathway stimulations. Eur J Neurosci 2012 22512307 1) DG MOLAX
Szabo GG, Papp OI, Mate Z, Szabo G, Hajos N. Anatomically heterogeneous populations of CB1 cannabinoid receptor-expressing interneurons in the CA3 region of the hippocampus show homogeneous input-output characteristics. Hippocampus 2014 25044969 1) CA3 Basket CCK+(S)
2) CA3 Basket CCK+
3) CA3 Bistratified(S)
4) perforant-path-associated cell (CB1+)
5) perforant-path-associated cell (CB1+)
6) perforant-path-associated cell (CB1+)
7) CA3 Perforant Path-Associated*
8) dendritic-layer-innervating (CB1+)
9) dendritic-layer-innervating (CB1+)
10) perforant-path-associated cell (CB1+)
11) mossy-fiber-associated cell (CB1+)
12) mossy-fiber-associated cell (CB1+)
13) dendritic-layer-innervating cell (CB1+)
14) dendritic-layer-innervating (CB1+)
15) mossy-fiber-associated cell (CB1+)
16) mossy-fiber-associated cell (CB1+)
17) Basket (CB1+)
18) axons mainly in oriens (CB1+)
19) CA3 Mossy Fiber-Associated Basket CCK+*
20) CA1 Radial Trilaminar
Varga C, Oijala M, Lish J, Szabo GG, Bezaire M, Marchionni I, Golshani P, Soltesz I. Functional fission of parvalbumin interneuron classes during fast network events. LID - 10.7554/eLife.04006 [doi] Elife 2014 25375253 1) CA1 Axo-axonic(S)
2) CA1 Basket(S)
3) CA1 Oriens-Bistratified(S)
4) CA1 Schaffer Collateral-Receiving R-Targeting
5) c-bistratified
6) H-BC
Hajos N, Karlocai MR, Nemeth B, Ulbert I, Monyer H, Szabo G, Erdelyi F, Freund TF, Gulyas AI. Input-output features of anatomically identified CA3 neurons during hippocampal sharp wave/ripple oscillation in vitro. J Neurosci 2013 23843535 1) CA3c Pyramidal(S)
2) CA3c Pyramidal
3) CA3 O-LM(S)
4) CA3 SO-SO(S)
5) CA3 Axo-axonic(S)
6) CA3 Basket(S)
7) CA3 Horizontal Basket CCK+*
8) CA3 Bilayer Ivy*
9) Radiatum cell
10) oriens-radiatum
Gulyas AI, Szabo GG, Ulbert I, Holderith N, Monyer H, Erdelyi F, Szabo G, Freund TF, Hajos N. Parvalbumin-containing fast-spiking basket cells generate the field potential oscillations induced by cholinergic receptor activation in the hippocampus. J Neurosci 2010 21068319 1) CA3 Basket CCK+