Ongoing Literature Mining
Authors |
Title |
Journal/Book |
Year |
Date added |
Status |
Acsády L, Arabadzisz D, Freund TF |
Correlated morphological and neurochemical features identify different subsets of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide-immunoreactive interneurons in rat hippocampus |
Neuroscience |
1996 |
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09/14/2016 |
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Ali AB |
CB1 modulation of temporally distinct synaptic facilitation among local circuit interneurons mediated by N-type calcium channels in CA1 |
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2011 |
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Ali AB, Todorova M |
Asynchronous release of GABA via tonic cannabinoid receptor activation at identified interneuron synapses in rat CA1 |
European Journal of Neuroscience |
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Anderson WD, Galván EJ, Mauna JC, Thiels E, Barrionuevo G |
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Armstrong C, Krook-Magnuson E, Soltesz I |
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Frontiers in
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Bell LA, Bell
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Functional compartmentalisation and regulation of postsynaptic Ca2+
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Dendritic calcium nonlinearities switch the
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Cea-del Rio CA, Lawrence JJ, Erdelyi F, Szabo G, McBain CJ |
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An update on
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Ceranik K, Bender R, Geiger JR, Monyer H, Jonas P, Frotscher M, Lübke J |
A novel type of GABAergic interneuron connecting the input and the output regions of the hippocampus |
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Chamberland S, Salesse C, Topolnik D, Topolnik L |
Synapse-specific inhibitory control of hippocampal feedback inhibitory circuit |
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Chamberland S, Topolnik L |
Inhibitory control of hippocampal inhibitory neurons |
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Chittajallu R, Craig MT, McFarland A, Yuan X, Gerfen S, Tricoire L, Erkkila B, Barron SC, Lopez CM, Liang BJ, Jeffries BW, Pelkey KA, McBain CJ |
Dual origins of functionally distinct O-LM interneurons revealed by differential 5-HT(3A)R expression |
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Chittajallu R, Wester JC, Craig MT,
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Cope DW,
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Dasgupta D, Sikdar
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Daw MI, Tricoire
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New neurons and new memories: how does adult hippocampal neurogenesis affect learning and memory? |
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Dieni CV, Chancey
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Frontiers in
Neural Circuits |
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Dieni CV, Wieckert AJ, Overstreet-Wadiche L |
Development of glutamatergic innervation during maturation of adult-born neurons |
Frontiers in Biology |
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evidence for distinct functional domains in hippocampal field CA1 |
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Dudok B, Barna
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Ferraguti F, Cobden P, Pollard M, Cope D, Shigemoto
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Demonstration of axonal projections of
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Földy C, Lee SY, Szabadics J, Neu A, Soltesz I |
Cell type-specific gating of perisomatic
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Nature Neuroscience |
2007 |
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Forro T, Valenti O, Lasztoczi B, Klausberger T |
Temporal organization of GABAergic
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Cerebral Cortex |
2015 |
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Segregated Cell Populations Enable Distinct
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Experimental Neurobiology |
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Gloveli T, Dugladze
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Hájos N, Karlócai MR, Németh B, Ulbert I, Monyer H, Szabó G, Erdélyi F, Freund TF, Gulyás AI |
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