Model simulation using CARLsim:

1. See CARLsim documentation at for library setup

2. Simulation scripts and Makefile are available at (select tuneIzh9p)

3. Download CARLsim parameter file (param_file) for a neuron type/subtype from the neuron page

- Parameter file structure: , ,,... ,,... ,, , ,,,,,... ,, , ..., , ,...

- Every file has a single compartment model and if the morphology warrants it, a multi-compartment model (Venkadesh et al., 2018)

4. Choose the appropriate wrapper script for a compartment layout and run a CARLsim param_file as follows:

Single-compartment model:

sed -n 6p <param_file_name> | ./carlsim_tuneIzh9p_1c_wrapper

Multi-compartment model:

sed -n 7p <param_file_name> | ./carlsim_tuneIzh9p_<param_file_suffix>_wrapper


5. Following output files are generated in /results/

- One phenotype file (as a JSON object) that includes a list of spike times for every I/I_dur (soma_I_scenario) in param_file

- files for voltage plotting

- : number of compartments, : number of soma_I_scenarios, : number of simulation scenarios to test multi-compartment constraints (Venkadesh et al., 2018)

- Naming convention for voltage files: allV_<scenario_id>_<compartment_id>. For example, allV_0_0 denotes somatic voltage for the first I/I_dur scenario specified in the param_file, and allV_0_1 denotes dendritic voltage for the same simulation scenario. Voltage is recorded at 1ms resolution.

- One simulation log file

6. Optionally, you can include N models in a single param_file and run them all at once. Make sure to replace the line number (6p/7p) by the appropriate range of N lines. All output files will be prefixed with an index from 0 to N-1

Refer to this article for more details and discussion on multi-compartment models: Venkadesh S, Komendantov AO, Listopad S, Scott EO, De Jong K, Krichmar JL, Ascoli GA. (2018). Evolving Simple Models of Diverse Intrinsic Dynamics in Hippocampal Neuron Types. Frontiers in neuroinformatics.