Connections Between Neuronal Types

Potential Connectivity

Potential connections between neuronal types in the Hippocampome framework derive from Peters’ rule.  The co-existence of the axons of one type with the dendrites of another -- within any of the 26 parcels of the hippocampal formation -- indicates a spatial proximity and a potential for synapsing.  In the example below, axons of granule cells are found in the DG hilus; neuron types potentially receiving this input have dendrites in the same layer and are indicated with black arrows.

Known Connectivity

In order to determine which hippocampal neuron types are known to synapse, or known not to synapse, the sources that comprise v1.0α of the Hippocampome knowledge base were mined.  Information verified by various methods (e.g. electron microscopy, electrophysiological paired recordings, etc.) was annotated and relevant quotes and figures were extracted.